Chapter 3: Extra-curricular

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Chapter 3: Extra-curricular

Cha Eun Jae leaned back on her hands, face turned towards the sun. She was seated on the grass, enjoying the breeze after being stuck indoors all afternoon. Their last class had been cancelled, so she and her friends decided to ditch the library and go outside.

"Why can't we have classes outdoors?" Eun Jae asked out loud.

Jinho opened one eye to look at her, "The temptation to sleep would be too great."

"Or just to have fun, for once." Seulgi agreed, "It would be too cruel."

Eun Jae laughed, "Since when did you guys become so morose?"

"Since we entered our third year and internship is just a few weeks away." Seulgi said mournfully

"Can you believe we're halfway through medical school?" Jinho said, "any ideas yet what you'd like to specialise in?"

Seulgi crossed her arms under head and used it as as pillow, "I've been thinking for a while now," she began, "and I would really like to be a rehab or orthopaedic doctor."

"Wow, I'm impressed. I didn't realise you liked that field." Eun Jae exclaimed

Seulgi smiled softly, "You know I always liked playing sports and learning about how the body works when it's moving, as well as how best to support athletes and train the muscles to perform better. Orthopaedics also seem interesting and is an increasingly important field in medicine, with bone grafts and different methods of operation. It entails a lot of skill not just about the medical part but also mechanical."

Eun Jae studied her friend suspiciously, "You've been talking to sunbae Moon-Jeong."

Seulgi grinned sheepishly, "I'm actually enjoying Bone Club, not gonna lie!"

Eun Jae snorted, "I wish I can say the same."
"Anyway, it's not just because of sunbae, I'm seriously considering it," Seulgi poked Jinho's arm, "your turn."

"I'll go to the US and do my Master's degree," Jinho declared, "my parents are already there, so there's no problem moving. If I can maintain my average it should be enough to get into John Hopkins."

"Wow, I hope you get in. I'd love to go John Hopkins," Seulgi said wistfully, "What about you, Eun Jae?"

Eun Jae smiled hesitantly, "Actually, I don't know yet."

"That's unlike you," Seulgi said, raising her eyebrows, "I thought you have every single step of your career planned out by now."

Eun Jae laughed, "Not at all. Nothing stands out for me. I mean, we haven't even started our hospital duty maybe that would help me make up my mind."

"Yeah, there's plenty of time left to decide anyway." Jinho agreed, "Anything could happen, nothing is set in stone yet."

"Well, when you do decide, I'm sure you'll have no trouble," Seulgi said brightly, "You're good at everything, they'll be fighting over you when the time comes."

Eun Jae was saved from commenting by the arrival of Hyorin and Kibum, whose hands were linked together.

"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Hyorin cried as she sat down beside Eun Jae, pulling Kibum down.

"We thought we'll disappear and give you lovebirds some time alone." Seulgi said teasingly

Hyorin blushed prettily, but Kibum just laughed.

"We did try to find you," Eun Jae said, "but don't know where you both went."

"We were called in an emergency student council meeting," Kibum explained, "for the Medicine Week. We had to decide what sort of activities to do."

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