Chapter 5: Anatomy of Love

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Eun Jae rubbed her eyes tiredly, squinting at the bright glare coming from her window. She didn't realise how late-or early-it was, losing another night's sleep to studying. She thumbed through the notes she finished, nodding to herself in satisfaction.

It was worth it, she thought, One more hour then I can sleep the whole day.

She yawned, stretching her arms overhead. She decided to buy some more tea before she starts again. Collecting her keys and wallet, she left her dorm room to find the vending machine.

"Hey, you're awake! Good timing." Seulgi called out to her cheerfully.

"You're early." Eun Jae greeted her friend, "you know it's a Sunday, right?"

Seulgi puts her hands on her hips, "I do, and you know you promised to run with me, right?"

Eun Jae gulped, "Um...uh, really? Did I?" she stammered

Seulgi shook her head and pushed her back towards her room, "You are not getting away again this week, Cha Eun Jae," she scolded, "Go and get dressed. You have five minutes!"


"Five minutes, okay?" Seulgi cut her and firmly closed the door, "Hurry up!"

Eun Jae groaned loudly.

Soon, the two girls made their way to the university's track field. Seulgi seemed happy to run alongside Eun Jae, who was dragging her feet in a snail's pace. "You are so out of shape, Eun Jae," Seulgi remarked, "We've only run a kilometer and you are wheezing like an old lady. Raise your knees."

"You sound just like my mother." Eun Jae grumbled, but she forced herself to keep up.

"So much better." Seulgi said, grinning, "It's a nice day, and I promise you'd feel better afterwards."

"I can't seem to imagine that right now."

"I'll treat you breakfast."

"You better." Eun Jae said, elbowing her friend.

They ran comfortably along the track. It was a cool, autumn morning. Despite the early hour, there were quite a few students doing laps alongside them. Eun Jae noticed a familiar tall figure running ahead, the hood of his black jumper covering his hair. A group of girls followed him a couple of steps behind, whispering and indiscreetly eyeing him as he ran.

"Is that Woo Jin?" she asked

Seulgi squinted her eyes, "Hmm, I can't tell from here. Why?"

Eun Jae pointed to the girls behind him, eyebrows raised questioningly. Seulgi nodded, "I'm guessing they're members of his fan club."

"He has a fan club?" Eun Jae repeated, surprised.

"He's shockingly popular," Seulgi explained, "I mean, he has the brains and the cool attitude."

Eun Jae rolled her eyes, "You mean he's arrogant and bossy, right?"

Seulgi shrugged, "He's athletic too...and I think he looks hot."

Eun Jae glanced at her friend, "Are you serious?"

Seulgi laughed, "I'm not interested, but I can appreciate a good looking man. Don't you think so?"

"Mmm," Eun Jae said thoughtfully, watching his back, "I guess I never really looked at him that way."

"Right. Too busy arguing with each other to notice." Seulgi agreed.

As if he could hear them, Woo Jin turned around and caught them watching him. Eun Jae's eyes widened and she tripped on her shoes, luckily catching herself before she fell. When she looked up, she saw Woo Jin smirking at her before disappearing off the field.

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