Two: "In Lust and Love"

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Today may have a double update, as I am already a little into the next chapter. I didn't upload this one earlier because the Internet was cut off

Oresos had been in Hell for a week now, but he still didn't know why. He was aligned as Morally Grey, sure, but he found out a few days ago that he should really be in Heaven (something to do with being on the lighter side of the spectrum or whatever). That meant that what Ophelia/Damion had mused was right; someone called for him to be here. Well, it can't have been his Mother, as she was apparently in the more punishable parts of Hell where they couldn't ask for favours of any kind (unless you'd been favoured by Mr Lucifer himself and been turned into something like and Incubus or Succubus, of course, but why the - well, here - would that happen?!).
The one thing he did find out, however, was that he'd basically traded one Fool's March for another; the neighbourhood was run down, people were doing morally wrong things such as drugs or whatever, and several of the Deadly Sins were seen hanging around pretty frequently. When Oresos met Lust one day, smiling to themself as they sat on his garden wall (he was fortunate to get a small house when it was realised he had arrived), they said that this "Circle" of Hell was perfect for recharging powers for all of the Seven before they went back out to wreak havoc on the Mortal Realm. They also became a rather frequent visitor to his garden, so he had started to make sure tea was ready whenever they arrived, sometimes bringing another Sin with them.
So when Oresos looked out his window and saw a winged woman looking around herself cautiously in their place, he was very confused.
"H-Hello? May I help you?" he called out to her, making her tense up as her wings spread out threateningly (at least, that's the impression they gave off). She looked at him and sighed.
"Oh, goodness above, there you are Mr Davies! I've been scouting for you for a WEEK! I've had to escape from pesky Imps trying to cut off my wings at least two dozen times in that time!" she scolded, hands on hips.
"...Who are you?" he asked, warily stepping outside from his sliding door. "And why have you been looking for me?"
"Why, to take you to where you belong, of course! Miss Ophelia - er, or Mr Damion, I suppose - took you here when you were always destined to step into the beautifully pearly gates above!"
"So, Heaven? That's a shame, I was getting adjusted to life here? But you haven't an-"
"What do you mean, you've been getting adjusted to Hell?! Mr Davies, you shouldn't BE here!" her voice raised in frustration, dropping her hands into curled up fists that turned the tan skin around her knuckles white.
"No buts! You must come with me, immediately!-"
"Oresos! I'm back!- Woah, an angel?!" Lust appeared, all of the trio startled as they appeared.
"A-A SIN?! Mr Davies this is all rather too much!-"
"Scram lil' birdie," Lust warned threateningly, dazzling purple eyes turning a blood red as they burned into the angel's vivid blue ones intensely, looking her up and down. This made her flush and widen her eyes, holding her arms close to her in self defense.
"You know what might happen if you don't," they continued, gesturing to her feathered wings with their claw-like ruby red nails pointed in their direction.
The angel let out a whimper as she nodded, and disappeared in an instant. Lust let out a sigh and smiled at Oresos gently.
"Sorry 'bout that, guardian angels get like that sometimes."
"It's ok, she was being rather overbearing anyway," Oresos shrugged, a little confused at the events that transpired in his very own back garden. "Anyway, I'm sure the kettle's still warm, so would you like some tea? I have ginger and honey-"
"Could you call me Berry?" they asked suddenly, their eyes flitting to him. "And, yes please, it's been a long day."
"Yeah, that was my name before I was made a Sin. It's been, what, 3000 years? I've been starting to miss it lately, that's all."
"Uh, yeah, alright then. Are you gonna come in or..?"
"Oh, right, sorry," Berry shrugged, walking inside with Oresos following suit. "And, by the way, do you have any food? Glutton said they would stop by."
"Hm, good for them. I guess I should start cooking then."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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