"Sounds 20% cooler to me; I'll take it."

Rainbow drops a couple bits on the guy's tray, if we could see his face, he'd be surprised. He leaves while Rainbow hangs by the stairs, leaving the others to mind themselves.

"Come on guys," Pinkie cried. "Let's get something to eat; I'm starving!"

"Like you took the words right out of my mouth," Shaggy smiled.

They walk over to the bar/restaurant area of the lobby, sitting on the vacant barstools.

"Hmm... I wonder what kind of food they have in this place?" Pinkie asked.

"Like, I don't care as long as it's smothered in either barbecue or chocolate sauce," Shaggy said, his mouth watering.

Applejack and Fluttershy both shared some disgusted looks, while Scooby and Pinkie liked the idea.

"Ah ain't never seen or heard a pair like Shaggy and Scooby," Applejack whispered to Fluttershy. "The way they eat and 'what' they eat just seems odd."

Fluttershy just nods as they looked over the menus searching for something to eat.

After a while, Twilight had just came downstairs holding Flurry Heart, keeping her bundled in her blanket. She turns toward Velma, who sat at a counter off to the side studying the device. Neither of them knew they were being watched by N'Goo Tuana, spying on them while playing a piano. At one point, Velma twists the circle in the center of the device revealing more inscriptions much to her astonishment.


"Hey Velma!" Twilight called.

Velma looks up and smiles seeing Twilight and Flurry approaching.

"Well, look who's finally awake," Velma said. "Did Flurry sleep well?"

"Yeah, she slept the whole time," Twilight answered, sitting beside Velma. "Kind of surprises me actually."

"Well, she looks nice and rested now. Don't you Flurry? Don't you?"

Flurry giggled in Twilight's arms as Velma spoke to her in a baby voice, even tickling her tummy. Twilight laughed at the cute sight.

"I think she likes you, Velma," Twilight said, happily.

Velma looked up from Flurry to Twilight, smiling.

"Glad to hear it. I really like her as well."

Velma gave Flurry one last tickle before resuming her studies on the inscriptions. Just then, the young man who sat with them in the cart happened to pass by.

"Hey," The kid replied.

"Oh, why hello," Twilight replied, surprised. "Nice to see you again."

"Your friends ditch you?" He asked.

"No, I always did the brainwork," Velma replied.

"And my friends are not too far," Twilight added. "They're just hanging around while we're examining this thing."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, we believe that this thing is the Daemon Ritus," Velma answered.

"Daemon Ritus? What's it for?"

"This describes an old race of creatures," Velma explained. "It's reminiscent of Pandaemonous texts, so I can make some of it out. It looks like instructions to some sort of secret ritual."

While Velma explains to the guy, Twilight looked over the device herself observing the weird markings. To think these described some form of ancient ritual for Celestia only knows what. Being an admirer of knowledge herself, Twilight found this to be very interesting.

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