"I came early because we need to talk."

Nuzleaf barely suppressed a shudder. He had a feeling he knew what this talk was gonna be about. He knew it was coming but.....how do you prepare for something like this.

"O...oh," he muttered, unable to think of anything else to say.

"I know, I don't really want to either," said Autumn. "But....since.....that happened, things have been weird between us. It's to be expected yes, but I hate things being so awkward, and....everyone at the Expedition Society suggested that maybe talking it out might help. I think I agree."

Nuzleaf kept quiet, and just stared at the oran berries he was still holding.

"It's been four months Nuzleaf." Autumn went on. "Honestly, we should've done this from the start. It's getting so frustrating you know. We only ever manage small talk and then it gets all silent and stuff. I don't want things to be awkward between us anymore, I want things to go back to how they used to be, but they can't. The stuff that's happened....it's too heavy."

Nuzleaf's grip on the berries tightened causing the juice to squirt out on his hands. He paid no attention, however. He was too focused on what the fire type was saying.

"But, maybe it will help if we talk it out. Get it out into the open. It won't be pleasant for either of us, but maybe then we'll be able to get rid of some of that awkwardness."

Nuzleaf rubbed the back of his head.

"But I'm not sure I should be telling a child something like this."

"Hey, I am mature for my age." joked Kaiya. "How about this, I'll go first. I'll lay my feelings down and...then...you could say your piece. The least you could do is hear me out."

Nuzleaf nodded.

"I reckon I do owe you that much."

Nuzleaf put the remaining oran berries away then sat down on the steps near his bed, and motioned Autumn to sit next to him, which she did.

"You go ahead and vent child," he said, bracing himself for the worst.

Autumn shuffled slightly then began.

"Back then, on Revelation Mountain, when you...revealed your intentions. It......it hurt. Tremendously. "I mean, you were someone I thought I could trust with anything. I thought I could tell you any of my problems with confidence. I thought......I'd have a home to go back to if joining the expedition Society didn't work out. Nuzleaf....that letter you gave me before I left, everything it said, was.....was it all lies?" Autumn had tears in her eyes at those last words.

"No!....yes......ahhhh I don't rightly know anymore!" cried Nuzleaf covering his face with his hands. That was the worst thing about being controlled by Dark Matter he didn't know if anything he said was genuine, or if it was Dark Matter making him say those things. There was such a blurred line between the two.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter much anymore," said Autumn sadly. "Anyway, Forrest was furious. He ranted on about how he would never forgive you for what happened. I....honestly wasn't sure. I mean.....I was upset with you, but.....I thought there had to be some rhyme or reason behind it. Espurr kinda confirmed it."

Autumn paused for a moment then continued. "After learning that it was Dark Matter that was making you do those things...I...wasn't mad anymore. I....actually felt kinda sorry for you. I wished I could help in some way, but I didn't know how. I wish I said something back then in the Prehistoric Ruins, but I guess I was scared...and confused."

Nuzleaf suddenly felt very ashamed of himself. He looked into Autumn's eyes hoping it was a look of complete honesty.

"I.....I'm sorry for everythin' I said to you back then."

ScarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora