Chapter eightteen-Cascade Failure

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I'm home," I called as I passed through the doorway between the bakery and the Furukawas' home. Today's 'Cooking with Kyou' had been uneventful, thankfully, considering how my time with Kotomi-chan and Tomoyo had gone.

"Welcome home, L/n-san." Sanae greeted. Something about the way she presented herself made any place feel like 'home'. "How was your cooking lesson?"

"It was okay. I'm not very good yet, but at least I had fun trying."

"Tch. You're not trying to win Nagisa over with your cooking, are you?" Pops scoffed. "Just so you know, she won't be won over that way, brat. Not that I'd ever give her to you anyway!"

"Don't worry, Pops. I'm just trying to make myself better. I guess you could say that I'm trying to beat the 'me' of yesterday."

"Speaking of cooking; Nagisa has apparently made dinner for you," Sanae said. "This morning, she told me not to worry about dinner for you because she wanted to make something special."

I smiled, probably for the first time that day. "Well, that's kind of her-" My brain froze as several warning flags rose to full staff. With the way my day had been going...

"What's the matter, brat? Don't you like Nagisa's cooking? It's not like Sanae-san's bread, at least."


Akio paled. "Damn. And she's standing right there!"

"My bread is...My bread is..."

I didn't get to hear the rest of it this time, as she rushed out into the bakery and, I assumed, out the door.

Pops followed her, and I heard rustling sounds from the bakery, followed by "FFAANAE! IIII UFFF OOOOOO!"

I shook my head and made my way to the kitchen. At least I'd have some peace and quiet for a while.

"O-Okazaki-san!" Sure enough, Nagisa was there, with a couple of steaming pots on the stove. "G-go out to the living room and rest. I'll be out in a few minutes with d-dinner."

"Got it." I replied as I turned back toward the living room.


I didn't know what it was that Nagisa made, and I was too embarrassed to ask; all I know is that it tasted good. It had beef, rice, beans, and some kind of seasoning that was just right.

"Hey, this is really good!" I had to praise her cooking; I'd be a jerk not to, with the way I was vacuuming it up.

Nagisa ducked her head shyly. "Th-thank you. I wanted to make something you like. Since you've said that you don't have a favorite food, I tried to find out your favorite flavors."

I nodded quite vigorously. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

Nagisa's eyes somehow caught mine. "You do? Really?"

I smiled, feeling a little awkward. "Yeah. I do."

"Really really?"

"Yes, 'really really'."

Nagisa lowered her head again. "Um, L/n-san?"


"The real reason I made this was to...was to..." She started squirming in her seat.

Those red flags again. "Nagisa-san?"

She leveled her gaze at me again. "I made this to tell you..."

Please, no...

She forcefully bowed her head, nearly slamming it into the table. "To tell you that I want to make meals for you from now on! IlikeyouL/nsanPleasebewithme!"

My eyes fell shut. Oh, God...not three in one day...

I took a deep breath; my hands shook in spite of my efforts to stay calm. "Nagisa-san..." I sighed again. "I'm really sorry. You're a really nice girl, and I appreciate your cooking and your hospitality in general, but...I'm already with someone." Aw crap, I'm losing it. "Th-Thank you for liking me. I'm really sorry."

Nagisa looked up with misty eyes. "It's Fuuko-san, isn't it?"

I nodded silently. What could I say?

I wanted to violently punch myself when her shoulders started to tremble. "C-C-C-Congratulations, L/-L-L/..."

"It's okay," I said softly. "You don't need to say anything like that." My heart broke for the third time that day. "Will you be all right?" Dumb question, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"Will...Will you please hold me?"

Without speaking, I slid around the table and reached out toward her. The minute I touched her, she broke out into sobs as she threw her arms around me.

What a crummy day.

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