Yoo-na wonders if finding out later that he'll never see his mother again is less sad, and Hyun-joong feels guilty for not being honest about planning to leave when his sister passes. He starts to tell her, but she interrupts to say that as long as he's away from the hotel without permission, they may as well have some fun.

She goes to the restroom and on her way back, she spots Hyun-joong's sister Hyun-mi, now elderly and blind, listening to some music from a phone. Yoo-na tells her that she looks like her friend's... grandmother, and gets permission to take a picture of her enjoying the music. She asks if Hyun-mi remembers her brother's name, and she gets excited when Hyun-mi remembers.

The man that Hyun-mi calls her "orabeoni" finds her, and Yoo-na asks if he's really Ji Hyun-joong, founder of the hospital. He says he is, and that he's Hyun-mi's brother, but Yoo-na says that Ji Hyun-joong died a long time ago.

The man seems startled and drops his phone, but before Yoo-na can learn anything else, the real Hyun-joong yanks her away angrily. When the man stands up, he wonders how that girl knows that Ji Hyun-joong is dead.

Outside, Yoo-na asks Hyun-joong if that man has something to do with his death, thinking that he stole Hyun-joong's identity and that's why Hyun-joong can't move on. Hyun-joong orders her to leave it alone since he's dead and snaps jealously that Yoo-na is living a good life. He immediately regrets it, but Yoo-na admits that she also stole someone's life and promises to mind her own business.

Chan-sung calls Sanchez, who says that Mi-ra insisted Young-soo stay the night and now all his colleagues are there having an impromptu picnic. Sanchez says that the people and noise are helping him not feel lonely, so Chan-sung doesn't need to worry about him. He's even enjoying watching Mi-ra and Young-soo, who seem very happy together when they aren't fighting.

Looking very concerned, Seo-hee asks Chan-sung if Mi-ra is someone that Man-wol knew from a previous life. She tells Chan-sung that the hotel's ghostly employees never asked Man-wol's story because they assumed she didn't intend to leave after settling her resentment, but now the Moon Tree has flowered because of Chan-sung.

He tells her that she's right about Mi-ra, and Seo-hee asks if there are any more past connections Man-wol will have to face. Chan-sung says that person is already here, and that he'll probably bring him to Man-wol like he did the others.

Seo-hee interprets this to mean that Chan-sung also knew Man-wol in a past life, and when he says he hasn't, she questions why Mago chose him. He doesn't know, but he vows to stay with Man-wol. Seo-hee pities Man-wol, who will soon be confronted with someone who caused her such great pain.

In front of the Moon Tree, Man-wol tells Mago to admire the flowers, then leave. Mago asks, "Will you let him just pass by? Will you pretend to be clueless?" She tells Man-wol that she can't run away now that she knows Chung-myung has been by her side all this time.

She gives Man-wol the moon ornament, still stained with blood, that she's been keeping safe. Man-wol holds the ornament in a shaking hand, remembering that Chan-sung saw Chung-myung holding it. She asks Mago furiously, "Is it Chan-sung? Is Chan-sung that man?!" and Mago asks if she can accept it if it is.

She notes that Man-wol doesn't seem happy even though the man she's been waiting a millennium to kill is finally here. Man-wol sighs that that's why she's asking, but Mago only advises her to let go of her hatred. Looking betrayed, Man-wol accuses Mago of sending the man she's hated for a thousand years to her as the man she fell in love with. Mago says she's curious which man Man-wol will see him as — will she see him as Chung-myung and disappear, or as Chan-sung and be saved?

Shaking with grief and fury, Man-wol wanders the hotel halls until Chan-sung finds her. She can barely look at him, seeing Chung-myung whenever she does, and suddenly the moon ornament transforms into a dagger in her fist. She runs to Chan-sung and stabs him in the heart, and he whispers, "I told you to trust me," before slumping to the floor.

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