Chapter 1.

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[To the side is one of my favorite songs ^_^ Feel free to point out mistakes]
Alex's POV

Blackness. Dark. Soulless. All of those were choice words to describe her lovely, loving pack. Note the sarcasm. Although, I would never say that to their faces. No, it wouldn't be worth seeing the angry, yet shocked faces of her pack. That would be very amusing. Actually, take Blackness and Dark. Instead, put Cruel and Hateful. Blackness and Darkness were ways to escape the pain.

The pain of the beatings. Obviously, it hurt terribly. So bad that I would black out, white out, faint. Don't get me wrong, I would be glad for the soothing feeling of blackness. Seeing light, meant that I was conscious and the pain was there. I relished the darkness. My own comfort zone. A soft sigh escaped my eyes as I lay in the blackness. I used my wolf as a pillow and stroked her. So... Soft. At least that is what I imagined.

A crack of light flooded in the room. I kept my eyes shut pretending to be asleep. I growled in my mind, wondering if it would be worth a beating to sleep in. All I really wanted was to curl up in and enjoy a day. Taking one last deep breath in my dark paradise, I opened my eyes. Dawn was breaking. I needed to hurry before my pack woke up.

I ran silently down the stairs. I started making some eggs and pancakes. Too bad I was a terrible cook, I would probably be beat for burning the eggs accidentally. I made enough for 10 regular wolves, as I only needed to cook for the Alphas and Betas. Don't be stupid, it would be impossible to feed all of the wolves daily. I set 5 plates down on the table. Two servings for each wolf. The young beta and his mate, the old Alpha and his mate, and the Alpha's son.

The pack hated me because the alpha's hated me. Even my Dylan (my brother) and Sasha (my sister) hated me. Or at least I think they did, I haven't seen them in years. My parents disowned me. I forgot what they look like. The Alpha's hate me, because I almost got Luna Rose killed accidentally. I was 3 years old when it happened. I was playing tag with Luna and ran into some rogues. They kidnapped her for two months. Anyway, now the whole pack hates me for the accident.

While I waited for the higher ranks come down, I ate a quick breakfast of a banana. I wasn't supposed to, but I was hungry. At least I could eat today. I shivered in fear as Alpha Dan came down with Luna Rose. He growled at me and I let out a squeak of fear. He smirked, loving to scare me. Rose snapped at me to get them forks. I panicked in my mind, I forgot forks and napkins! How could I be so stupid?

I grabbed the needed supplies and set them down gently. I felt a hard smack and flew across to hit the wall. "Don't be so forgetful next time!" Alpha snarled. I lowered myself to show submission, and squeaked out "I'm sorry, Alpha." "You better be." I sighed in relief, Alpha Dan snapped his head towards me. My eyes widened with fear and he snickered before taking a bite of eggs.

His eyes turned a fiery red, and he snapped his head towards me. I started to back away. "ALEX!" He roared "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BURNING THE FOOD?" "T-t-too n-not b-burn it." "AND WHAT DID YOU DO?" "I-I-I a-a-accidentally b-b-burned it?" He stalked towards my cowering figure and slammed his fist on my head. Black spots invaded my vision. He picked me up and threw me against a wall.

I felt something crack. Probably a rib. I'm surprised that I even had an unbroken rib. The blackness was almost here, I mentally sighed in relief. He picked me once more as his son came down. He smelled better then usual. Oh well, guess I won't find out. Not that I would talk to him. He's an ass, worse then his father. "Hello father." Ass greeted. What's his real name? Oh yeah, Mason.

"Morning son." Alpha greeted in return. Mason AKA Ass, sat down and began eating his eggs I had prepared. He made a face. "May I take Alex upstairs so I can... Finish what you started?" I shivered, and not in a good way. "Sure, son." Alpha smiled cruelly, before setting me down in front of Mason.
[This has been edited to some extent.]

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