Double Voltage - Chapter 1

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*Author's Note: my fan-character, "Rai", speaks 'Nekonese'. If you wanna translation of what she said in the story below, use Ctrl+F and type in the number you see next to the phrase and it'll take you to the translations at the bottom of the page and back again to where you left of. Just make sure to put a period after the number you typed in. If you don't see a number near the phrase, that means it'll be translated in English somewhere along the way. Enjoy!

[# of translations: 6 ]

SWATKats: The Radical Squadron

Double Voltage

Chapter 1

A massive, black storm cloud covered over MegaKat City flickering with lightning and rumbling with thunder. Each strike lit up the entire sky for a few seconds temporarily blinding any kat that looked up at the MegaKat City Tower. It was sort of hard to believe the building was still standing after many months now when it was taken down twice in the past, once by Dr. Viper and the last by alien Ci-Kat-As.

After the umpteenth lightning flash, a small figure appeared on top of the lightning rod, so high up that no one noticed and no Enforcer chopper would dare be flying out in massive storm like tonight. A five-foot, three inch she-kat stood with perfect balance on top of the pole that gave her the grand scenic view of the metropolis.

"Hmm. 1.Koreha Megakat shi desunode," The female kat's blue eyes stared around at the smaller buildings below. Her hair and long jacket swayed in the storm's wind but she stayed still and steady. She squatted down and pulled a PDA-like device, "Now where are you?"

She pushed the middle button below the screen and the device beeped slowly. She stood up and spun in a small circle, keeping her stance on the lightning rod, as she moved around scanning the area. She stopped moving when the device beeped rapidly when she stood facing northwest, "Destination found. MegaKat Maximum Security Prison. Recording route."

"Yosh," She watched the screen highlight the shortest route to the prison on the digital map, "Won't be long, otou-san."

She was shrouded in a flashing electrical field, then turned into a crackle of electrical energy that traveled down the lightning rod and through the building, causing the lights inside to flicker quickly. The energy surge traveled the underground wire system heading toward the direction of MegaKat Desert.




Inmate #7087, better known by his name Barry Peltmeyer, sat on his bunk in his cell. He couldn't stand it anymore; three meals of crappy food, hard cots to sleep on, only one hour of activity outside of his cell. Unfortunately, his hour out was shortened to 20 minutes after an inmate picked a fight with him. Barry growled clenching his fists tightly, "Stupid fools...if only I had my Surge Coat, then let them see who's weak!"

He heard something clattering against the bars and saw an Enforcer snickering at him holding a baton. "What's the matter? Can't fight without your static suit, Hard Drive? Oh, that's right. You don't go by that anymore. It's just geeky Barry Peltmeyer now."

The guard laughed loudly as he walked down the corridor continuing his headcount. Barry was fuming, but the guard was right. Without his Surge Coat, that was locked up in Enforcers HQ's evidence locker, he was a puny weakling.

"It's those blasted SWATKats fault! I should've fried those two when I had the chance! When I get out this cell, I'm-" A loud explosion that rocked the whole building and threw him to the floor.

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