Double Voltage - Chapter 2

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*Author's Note: my fan-character, “Rai”, speaks 'Nekonese'. If you wanna translation of what she said in the story below, use Ctrl+F and type in the number you see next to the phrase and it'll take you to the translations at the bottom of the page and back again to where you left of. Just make sure to put a period after the number you typed in. If you don't see a number near the phrase, that means it'll be translated in English somewhere along the way. Enjoy!

[# of translations: 10]

SWATKats: The Radical Squadron

Double Voltage

Chapter 2

Jake Clawson relaxed on the old couch in the shop waiting room after finishing fixing a busted fuel line on a sedan that was brought in yesterday. He wouldn't relax long listening to Ann Gora reporting the latest news, “And Enforcers are still searching for hacker, Hard Drive, who managed to escape from his cell during a still unexplained guard turret malfunction.”

Oh great, just when I thought I could get a break.” Jake headed in the back of the shop into the living quarters, “Hey Chance, you'll wanna hear this. Chance?”

Chance Furlong was slumped over the desk, snoring loudly, drooling over the keyboard. “Chance!” The bigger kat jolted up blinking sleepily and smacking his lips. “I'm awake! What's all the fuss about?”

“Have you been playing games all night again?” Jake groaned. “If Burke and Murray would've walked in on you, it'd be both of our tails!”

“I can't help it, Jake,” Chance leaned back in the desk chair and stretched, “Clawed 2 Death is addictive. Even more addictive in online multi-player.”

Jake smiled. Chance was like a big kid when he wasn't working in the garage or flying in the Turbokat. “Any luck beating Todfield this time?” asked Jake.

“Yes! Finally!” Chance pumped his fists in the air, “No thanks to Lyman, that's scuzzball. He 'suddenly' had to leave the moment we met with 'im. I was about to lose again but then this kid showed up and saved me. I think her name was 'katoku_14' or something. Turns out all we had to do was push him in the pit and we blasted him to bits.”

“Well while you were pummeling zombie all night,” Jake typed up the web address to MegaKat City Times page to show Chance the front page, “Hard Drive broke out of prison during a riot.”

Chance read the article in disbelief, “How'd that slippery technoweasel escape from a prison with over 200 cameras and Enforcers marchin' all over the place?”

“One other thing. They said the guard turret went berserk,” Jake added, “It fired around the place as if it had a mind of it's own, and someone broke in and stole over 1,200,000 dollars in gold from MegaKat Mint. And all that happened before Hard Drive disappeared.”

All that information could only make Chance come to one conclusion. “So someone helped that creep break out of jail?” He scratched his head, “Who do we know that would do that?”

Jake shrugged, “You got me, buddy, but they've gotta be pretty bold to get away with all that in one night.”

“I don't see any use in worrying about it now,” Chance leaned back in his chair propping his feet on the desk, “Besides Hard Drive and whoever break out are gonna lay low until everything cools down. Might as well let Feral handle it.”

“This is Ann Gora, Kats Eyes News, live on the scene at MegaKat Savings!” The two mechanics leaned in the doorway, looking at the live footage on the TV. Local kats were frantically running in front of the camera as they chased flying green paper bills that spewed out wildly from the ATM while in the background the bank's automatic doors and security window shutters were rapidly and violently opening and closing and causing a loud racket.

Double Voltage (A SWATKats Fan-Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora