Klaus had pulled Rebekah off Charlotte with such a ferocity that she'd flown across the room. 

"Knock it off," he yelled, his eyes turning anxiously to Charlotte who now had a hand clutching her neck, stumbling into Elena who caught her and pulled her up.

"Make them tell me where it is, Nik," Rebekah whined again, standing and pouting beside him as though he hadn't just tossed her the distance of the basketball court.

Klaus watched Charlotte with concern though he tried to hide it, turning to Elena by her side, "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."

"Katerina. Of course. Well that's unfortunate, if we had the necklace it'd make things a whole lot easier for your witch. Since we're doing this the hard way let's put a clock on it shall we."

Klaus was frustrated, this day was not going the way he'd hoped, he wanted to speed the process up a little and so he sped over and started the gym clock, counting down.

"Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then I want you to feed again," his directions were towards Stefan now, "only this time i want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."

"Stop it," Charlotte yelled at him, her hand still clutching her neck with blood flowing out in greater waves than she could sustain, "don't do this to him."

Klaus ignored her, if she'd only told the truth he wouldn't have to resort to something like this. She opened her mouth to yell at him again when he began to turn away disinterested in her defence but a wave of dizziness hit her instead, the energy expended too much for the blood she was losing.

Before Charlotte could do more than buckle her knees, Klaus had sped over to her and caught her by the waist, "No one leaves," Klaus told Stefan before glancing pointedly at Elena, "If she tries to run, fracture her spine."

Charlotte's head was fuzzy, as fuzzy as when she was too drunk. Her hand still covered her bleeding neck but her free arm was now balled into Klaus' shirt, doing its best to keep her upright.

Her knees buckled again and this time her head fell against his chest. He was saying something to Stefan again but Charlotte kept her focus on staying up and awake, her legs moving unconsciously as Klaus tugged her from the room. She felt him push her on top of a desk and she fought to make her head focus on the situation, looking up she saw Klaus watching her with terrified eyes.

"Darling, you've lost a lot of blood," Klaus explained and Charlotte scoffed, amused at his explanation as though she could be unaware, "let me heal you."

"I'm surprised you're not just going to force it down my throat this time," Charlotte spat out, pushing him away before her head spun again and she was forced to grab on to him to stay steady.

"I was wrong. Please let me help you."

Charlotte's head was throbbing. She knew she should stop being so stubborn and just accept his offer but she didn't want to give into him. He couldn't just force her one moment and then beg the next as though he was kind enough to give her a choice. He couldn't just pick and choose when he'd allow her some semblance of free will.

Charlotte pushed him away again, using what little energy she had to push herself from the desk she was sitting on and back to her feet.

"You can't–" Charlotte broke off as her knees buckled. 

Klaus caught her again, helping her to the ground this time before biting into his wrist and holding it out, "Please Charlotte. Darling please. If you don't drink and you die, you still have my blood in your system."

Another wave of dizziness passed over her and she reluctantly pulled his arm to her lips and drank. Klaus sighed in relief, running the fingers of his other hand through her hair as he watched the wound stitch itself back together and heard her heart rate returning to a normal pace. Charlotte pulled away at last and his arm retracted but he didn't stop running his fingers through her hair until she shifted away.

Klaus needed to go and check on the witch and his hybrid, he knew it was nearing the time but he didn't want to break the silence between them. His chest clutched with pain as he watched her, waiting for the next moment she would push him away again. Wishing he could take everything back, every time her eyes set on him with disappointment and disgust the regret flowed over him.

"What now?" Charlotte's voice was low, not angry like he'd expected but resigned and soft, "Are you going to manhandle me to the car again after this? Keep me under lock and key until Stefan and my 10 year contract runs out?" Klaus' face fell and Charlotte continued, "I don't want to watch as you torture my brother and his girlfriend. Let me at least stay here until you're done with your cruelty."

Klaus didn't know how to reply, he couldn't pull his eyes from her even as she turned her face away from his. He stayed a moment, he didn't want to leave her but he didn't want to tug her hating him either. Finally with one last look he left the room, leaving her alone like she wanted.

a.n. so. . .  I'm still planning on finishing this but if i had an elijah story rattling around in my head would anyone read it?

It's been several years now since I wrote this and I want you to know the Elijah story has exited my head and is available on wattpad. you should read it, it's. . .  only somewhat less heartbreaking than this. 

darling - n.mikaelsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant