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Her eyes glistened with tears, as she screamed in despair. She held him in her lap trying to wake him from an endless sleep. She kept on wailing, devastated. She then turned on the man. had done this. He had taken away her most valuable possession. He had murdered him in cold blood. She screamed for help, Elias knew that he couldn't stay, he had to run. He ran at the nearest window and burst through. The broken glass ruthlessly slashed him to claim blood. He fell two stories. As he hurtled down he wondered if this was how it ended, and he thought at that moment that he didn't want to end it like this. The snow on the ground seemed to grant his request and he thankfully fell into its embrace. He got up and as he started to run he realised he had sprained his leg, still better than being dead. He grimaced, hardened his heart and he ran. Elias ran into the darkness as the screams still clutched at the cold October air.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading the prologue! This is a new project that I have been wanting to work on for quite a while now. I am really glad that I could get started. There will not really be a regular update schedule as me being a high school student my schedule is anything but regular.

I would also like to acknowledge some people who really helped me and encouraged me to get started

LunaticTactician: My Editor

Ab,D and J :My friends (Obviously not their real names but for privacy reasons I'm using initials).

Also my dad and my mom! 

Once again thank you for reading!


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