"Um... guys... did it get really hot in here or is it just me?" Tasha said fanning herself with her hand.

            "No, I am starting to break a sweat too" Leo answered

            "Yea. I raised the temperature up high enough so it can kill you guys" Douglas laughed walking away

            "Okay, Donald... if we happen to make it out alive, YOU ARE GOING TO WISH THAT YOU WERE'NT ALIVE!" Tasha screamed

            Douglas laughed. "Alright boys. You know what to do" he said to his sons.

            "Gladly" Marcus sneered and looked at Adam and Bree whilst his eyes started to glow green.

            "Um... Marcus, what's wrong with your-" but Bree was cut off when he ran into her and slapped in into a wall. "oww" she groaned as she fell to the ground.

            "Hey, leave my little sister alone" Adam screamed as he attempted to punch Marcus, but not before he flipped him.

            "Come on, is that all you've got?" Marcus laughed.

            Douglas smiled and looked at Chase who stood there doing nothing. "Chase, what are you waiting fo-"

            "I'm not fighting them dad" he said as they others continued to fight each other.


            "No dad. They are my family, my REAL family and even though I just found out a few seconds ago, I am not fighting them. And even if they weren't my real family, I still wouldn't fight them"

            Douglas nodded "Fine. You're right. But you leave me no choice" he sneered and walked up to the desk that the file was retrieved from and took out a small remote and pointed it to Chase. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the two of them. "I'm going to ask you one more time.... fight them Chase, and that is an order"

            Chase swallowed hard and shook his head. "No"

            "Fine" he answered and pushed the button that was on the remote. Chase screamed and fell to his knees while he cupped his hands.

            "What's wrong with Chase?" Donald asked worriedly.

            "And what was that?" Leo asked

            "A remote to control Chase's Triton App. As you can see, Marcus has been able to control it whenever he pleases. Chase is still stubborn though, that’s where the remote comes in" Douglas smiled devilishly.

            Bree ignored him and ran over to him. "Chase" she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

            "No-Bree...stay away" Chase stuttered as he kept his eyes tightly shut.


            "Please Bree" he said and turned his back to her.

            "Chase please listen to me. You don't have to make the Python App or whatever you call it control you. Just try to fight it... please? For your family?" she said. There was no answer. "Chase?" still no answer "Chase, please listen to me" she said placing her hand on his shoulder again. His head shot up and he turned around to look at her, only now... his eyes were no longer the same, but they were the same color as Marcus. "Chase?" she asked quietly.

            Chase grabbed her and slammed her towards the floor. She quickly got up and attempted to get away from him.

            "Alright big guy, shall we dance then?" Marcus said looking at Adam

            "You are going down twinkle toes" he screamed at her and picked Marcus up and threw him across the room.

            Douglas laughed as the for bionic teens continued to fight each other. "Douglas this has to stop, please!" Donald said to him

            "No can do big bro. It's too late for that. Once Bree and Adam are defeated which, shouldn't take long since I upgraded their bionics, they will be all mine"

            "We won't let you get away with this" Leo said as his mother was screaming from the heat in the room.

            He laughed "But I already have"

Should I continue? Or nah... nope... I think I will leave it right here. Or not... or will I? I think I will... I like seeing you guys having to wait... Actually, I am too tired to continue.... Don't worry, they next chapters are going to be longer, more awesome and hopefully less confusing (cause I am TERRIBLE at writing battle scenes).  

Hope you guys are enjoying the book! But I have some sad news (sad music in the background). After enjoying writing this, and the amazing comments and support I have received, Code Red will be ending soon. It has been an amazing journey with you guys.

But not to worry. I have an idea for a new lab rat fanfic book. And I really hope that it will come together smoothly and I hope you guys like it. :D

Peace and Love, Roxy Brown

The next chapter(s) will be up either tomorrow or sometime this week (I am finally off for the winter holiday!)



Code Red: Labrats fanfic (#Wattys2015) (#feels)Where stories live. Discover now