Chapter 1 - The Mystery Begins (Edited)

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The Mystery Begins

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The Mystery Begins

May 28, 2018 - Monday

The mood that pervaded the whole town was somber. It had been, ever since the discovery of Jessie Raegan's lifeless body. The investigation was already on-going, the body now at the coroner's for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The Raegan's were understandably distraught and had taken to locking themselves in; only letting the police in for any new developments regarding the potential murder of their daughter - there had been no formal ruling as to whether it was homicide or something else. But everyone knew that it wasn't anything other than murder.

It was no different in Cape Hill High, where everyone was mourning the loss of a fellow student. A memorial was erected by those closest to her. Allison and their other friends had taken the initiative to set one up in front of her locker. A smiling photo of Jessie Raegan was plastered front and center - the last photo taken of her during a championship basketball match that they had won that season.

The memorial was both wonderfully done and sad. Flowers surrounded the photo plastered on her locker, alongside some memorabilia that her friends thoughtfully placed, with lavender scented vigil candles lighted and placed on the mini altar covered in purple lace and white cotton. Her favorite colors.

Some of the students left short messages, while others left small trinkets as a sign of their respect.

Classes were sluggish and dull, teachers were trying and failing to get the students interested in their respective classes. But with a student's death and a possible killer still on the loose, they were understandably upset and had other things on their mind.

Indie 'Red' McAdams seemed to be the only one who wasn't as affected by the tragedy, unlike the others. Sure, she knew Jessie - everyone did. But they were never really friends nor was she a part of her clique. Which seemed, in her mind at least, to not warrant any feelings of being sluggish like the other students were.

Instead, she was more interested, enamored even, with Jessie's death and her unknown killer or killers. To other people, it would be considered weird, and downright disrespectful even, but those who knew her knew that her interest was out of a need to solve what she deemed to be a mystery. Ever the mystery and crime nerd, she always jumped at the chance to solve one - even at the detriment of her own social life, and disapproval of others; both things she didn't mind, as she focused on pursuing the truth.

'One could never rule out the possibility of there being more than one killer.' As her uncle once said. 'Especially considering the advantage of having a partner in crime. Risky yes, but definitely advantageous.' Her uncle was a retired detective, one who worked primarily on missing persons and homicide.

Who killed Jessie Raegan? (EDITING AND UPDATING)Where stories live. Discover now