" Ouch. Why don't we hunt them both down and deball him and kick this thot's ass". Jensey said excitedly.

"Not a chance, besides I'm over it". I proclaimed ready to end this conversation.

" Umm-hummm. " Jensey said crossing her arm's. "You know they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone" .

I laughed out loud and tossed a pillow at her. "Jensey go clean your area or something" .

She laughed and tossed her middle finger up at me before plopping back down on her bed putting her ear buds in her ear. I have a feeling that we will be great friend's even though we are polar opposites. While she pretended to doze, I looked at Duel's photo and felt a pang. However I noticed that the pang wasn't that sharp anymore. I tucked the photo on the shelf of my closet to be forgotten and collect dust as the past should. After making sure my space was to my liking, I placed a quick call to my parent's to assure them that I was settled in and okay. Finally I relaxed on my bed and eventually dozed off.

It wasn't long before I felt a tickle at my nose. Without opening my eye's I swatted at my nose. Still the tickling persisted so I opened my eye's to see Jensey standing above me holding a outrageously fuzzy riding crop. "Just what in the hell is that?"

" Oh, just a little object that brings men to their knees". She said popping my bare thigh with it.

"Oww". I screeched sitting up rubbing my now reddened thigh.

Jensey laughed. "And that was a light tap. Anyways get up. We've got a party to crash tonight" .

"What?. Sorry, I don't do party's" . I said lying back down.

"Well you do tonight. Besides this is the biggest party of the season. So get up and and get ready". She urged.

I knew there was no use in arguing with her so I stood. "Fine. But I'm not staying long". I announced.

After a shower in the bathhouse I slipped into a pair of basic jeans and a oversized sweater. I entered our room and nearly thought I'd opened the wrong door. Jensey stood there in a tiny black leather skirt, a nearly sheer cami top and heels that would impress a hooker. Yea, I'm pretty sure I even caught a glimpse of a nipple. Jensey stared at me in disdain. Waving her hands out toward me she asked. "What in the hell is that?"

" What? " I asked fingering the hem of my oversized sweat feeling awkward and embarrassed.

"My party outfit". I suggested with a smirk.

" Nope. No way cat lady. Are you looking for orgasm 's or to be the next small town librarian? "

I had to chuckle because in fact I did score a part time job at the campus library but I wasn't about to let her know at this moment. Jensey whisked off and begin to ransack her closet. In a matter of seconds she tossed me a heap of clothes. "Put this on. You'll thank me later Mrs. Doubtfire".

Blowing out my breath I grudgingly put the threads on. "I can't wear this". I mumbled as I stared at my reflection in the mirror that hung on the back of our door.

The skirt was nearly so short that one wrong move and my lady parts would introduce themselves. The shiny tank top dipped so low that my cleavage went from twin peaks to deep valley's.

" Damn girl. Who knew that you was hiding such a banging bod. If I had a cock I'd hit that ". Jensey said.

" I can't wear this". I said once again.

Ignoring my protests she ushered me to a chair and started applying make up and curling my hair. Once she was finished I stared at my reflection in disbelief. "Is this really me?"

" you betcha". Jensey grinned.

I laughed at my reflection. "I am hot".

" Hots a understatement. Girl you are drop dead gorgeous. The guy's are going to be hovering all around you tonight ". She said matter of factly.

And she wasn't lying. I couldn't scrap them off with a double bladed knife. However I wasn't looking for anything more then attention. Jensey and I had a ball flirting, dancing and drinking. Normally I wasn't a drinker but something about Jensey made me shed my inhibitions. Or maybe is was where I was away from home and under so many watchful eye's I felt free to be me. There was this one guy, Skeet was his name that I found some interest in. We danced and even shared a kiss or two. By the end of the night I was smashed and stumbling around. "I think I should get you home lightweight" . Jensey said laughing.

Skeet spoke up. "I'll take her. You stay here and enjoy yourself" .

"I think not. I'm not about to let my girl leave with a stranger". Jensey stated sternly.

" I'll take care of her and let her rest". He tried to persuade her.

Me being drunk begin to laugh and I grabbed my crotch. "Yea, rest on this dick". I blurted out.

Jensey doubled over in laughter. "Girl you are spent. But yes, that's exactly what he is hoping for. See ya later Skeeter".

Jensey with the help of a guy friend of hers escorted me back to our place. She  tugged my shoes off and tucked me in safely. Before I passed out I heard her and the guy going at it. I snorted when I heard her crop connect with skin and the guy yelp. "Spank him good Jensy. Ware his ass out". I slurred.

I heard laughter before going under. Needless to say Jensey and I became fast friend's and she made my transition here so much more pleasant.

Hope you liked it and enjoyed a break!

Jensey is a new character and I'm not sure how far I'll take her but I like her. What do you think so far about her?

Do you think Jensey could be great for Chell y or trouble \bad influence?

What do you think about college Chelly? And her transformation?

Can't wait to hear from you!

Double Vexation ( A Harper's series. book 11) Where stories live. Discover now