Make your own decision

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Gilbert Blythe woke up the next morning very excited about what the day would hold. Anne wanted to walk with him to school. What if she liked him back? She most likely didn't. Hope still ran through his blood as he got ready for the day.
Mary was surprised to see Gilbert up so early. Bash was still sound asleep. When Mary asked him why, he told her the truth. She only smiled and said "have fun". Gilbert lightly started running to Green Gables so he wouldn't be late. Little did he know that a certain red head had had a similar morning.


What was I thinking, Anne thought to herself on her way back home. What if he doesn't see the note or doesn't want to walk together.
Anne cringed about what she had done the rest of the evening. Her adoptive parents noticed the change in behavior that night. When asked about it, she only replied saying she had had a long day at school and needed some rest.
She went to bed thinking about what could happen if he did want to walk. She couldn't explain to herself why she had wrote the note and she knew is that she liked talking to Gilbert and wanted to spend more time with him. She slept very well that night.
The next morning Anne woke up earlier then usual. She had a plan to walk to the Blythe house and hopefully have enough courage to ask Gilbert if he wanted to walk with her. If he says no I could just say I wanted to ask Mary something before school so he doesn't get suspicious and know I... have a..... crush on him. Oh boy what am I to do. I just didn't want whatever was happening between us to end.
She had reached the forest where ironically had been the twos first meeting. It felt like so long ago to Anne. She was so mad at him that day. But thinking about it now only made her smile to herself.
She started walking quickly. She didn't want to be late. As she made her way down a different path that led straight to the Blythe residence, she heard someone up ahead.


Gilbert heard someone approaching the path he was taking so he stopped running walking slowly in hopes to not scare the person approaching. As the person turned he saw it was none other than Anne Shirley Cuthbert. They met each other's graze.. Anne shook her head and started laughing. Gilbert was confused at first than started laughing himself. They both stood there laughing for a few minutes when Anne suggested they start there way to school. They were comfortable in each other's company but they were both thinking of how to bring up their meeting that morning. Anne decided to be brave and just go for it.
"So..... you got my note I see", she started nervously. " I'm sorry I didn't say bye yesterday, Marilla didn't know where I was so I had to hurry back home before she had all of Avonlea looking for me"
" Oh it's fine, I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner so I could walk you home"
" It's fine"
" uhh so I'm glad you wanted to walk with me. I just thought since Ruby had "dibs"on me, that's why you never liked talking to me in school and I understand you want to keep your friendship with all the girls, I ju...... I just like our conversations and I want to be your friend", he finished rambling. Anne didn't answer at first. Gilbert regretted saying that the moment it came out of his mouth.
" I want to be your friend too", she looked at him with a glimmer in her eye. "At first I didn't want you to talk to me because of Ruby but than I realized you wanted to talk to me and she doesn't control your feelings. I secretly always wanted to be friends with you, since that day you saved me from horrible Billy Andrews".
" Well carrots I think this is the start of a great friendship", he said happily extending his hand out to her.
"Don't call me that", she said rolling her eyes but excepting his hand. They shook hands as she went to speak again. "You call me carrots again and I walk away".
"What you can give me a nickname but I can't give you one", he answers with a smirk. " You thought I didn't pick up on that, huh?"
Anne lightly shoves Gilbert in his left arm. The two talk for a while, teasing and laughing. As they inch closer to school, Anne remembers something.
"Gil, how do you know about Ruby having dibs on you?", Anne asked curiously.
"She's liked me for five years, and word travels fast around here", he answered with a straight face.
Anne nodded smiling. Of course he's heard of it, it's Avonlea for crying out loud. Mrs. Lynde was probably the one who told him. She laughed to herself. She saw Gilbert in the corner of her eye probably wondering what she was laughing at when the bell rang. They both stopped in their tracks. Before Gilbert could ask Anne answered what they were both thinking.
"Who cares, we're allowed to be friends", she answered confidently. They walked in the building together. Gilbert said a quick "see you later" to her as he walked to his seat. She waved at him smiling, before turning to put her stuff away. She didn't have to look in the room to hear the soft sniffling of no other than emotional Ruby Gillis. Ok Anne just stand tall and walk straight to your desk.
Anne walked to her desk with an unreadable expression on her face. She went to go sit down when she heard Josie Pye calming Ruby down.
" there there Ruby, you don't need her as a friend anyway"
Anne decided to ignore Josie. She turned to see Diana smiling at her. "What" Anne whispered. Diana started writing on her slate, when she was finished she turned it so her confused friend could see. "Talk at lunch" it said. She was surprised at Diana's reaction. She was expecting her friend to be angry with her like all the other girls, but Diana Barry couldn't stop smiling at her. It made Anne worry a bit.
" Okay class, we are going to try something different today", Miss Stacy said.

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