The elevator reaches our floor and we both speed walk to our door. I take the keys from my pocket to unlock the door. I put the key into the key hole opening the door of our apartment. We were greeted with the warmth of our apartment. 

"You guys are finally here." I looked up to the couch seeing Liam sitting watching the telly. I suddenly didn't feel like sleeping once I saw Liam sitting on our couch. I didn't expect the lad to be at our place already. I look to Zayn for an answer.

"Oh shit I forgot to mention that he was going to be here tonight." I let out a huge sigh. I look to Liam with a smile before excusing Zayn and I.

"Are you an idiot Zayn!" I whisper-yell once Liam is out of hearing range. "Do you think bring my ex here to our apartment when I am having a boy crisis already." 

"Well I was being nice to my friend!" Zayn throws his hands in the air. "Do you think it is my fault that you are having boy problems Lou?"

"Lets not fight Zayn." I said as I could feel myself getting a migraine. "Why don't we try to get some sleep and we both can yell at each other tomorrow." Zayn leaves to his room. I walk to the living room where Liam was still sitting on the couch. I give him a smile being sitting the couch opposite from his. 

"It has been forever Lou." Liam gets up from his seat and comes over to me and engulfs me in a hug. I hug him back realizing that I missed him way more than I thought. He takes a seat next me and out thighs pressing against each other. He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. It has been so long since I have been so close to a person. Of course feel bad doing this to Harry, but we are not even together so fuck that. I decide that i wanted to be happy at this moment and this is what makes me happy right now. I don't care if I regret this tomorrow morning. I feel content right now. I lay my shoulder on Liam's shoulder and I feel him snake his arm around my waist. I needed to someone to love me, not yell at me like everyone has been doing lately and I could count on Liam doing that. I could feel my eyes drooping and I let out a little yawn.

"We don't we got to bed Lou." I give him a small nod. I raised up to head towards my room before Liam swept me off my feet. I usually would hate when someone would do this, but I was too tired to complain. Liam opens the door of my room and he put me down on my bed. He gives me a kiss on the forehead before heading out.

"Liam!" He turns around. I feel myself blush as I ask him to stay with me. He nods and closes the door before sliding in bed next to me. I turn to face him and we both have smiles on our faces. I then pull Liam closer and I bury my face into his chest. He wraps his arms around my body. I close my eyes knowing that I had someone who carried for me holding me in their arms.


"Louis you can't play people like that." I nod my head knowing the mistake I made. It was Wednesday morning around nine and I was in Aalia apartment. After what happened last night with Liam, I knew I had to talk to someone about it. 

"Aalia you have to understand that the last couple days I have been, minus Christmas, I have been yelled at by Niall and Harry!" Before I left Niall and Harry came around to the house to apologize, but it turned into a yelling match. I  was the one who ended up in tears and ran to Aalia house.

"I remember Lou, you pounded on my door at two in the morning like the little twat you are." I flip her off as she heads to the kitchen. "Sometimes you act like a child."

"Well you act like a old women." She comes back with two cups in her hand. She hands one to me and she sits on ground across from me. "But what the actual fuck should I do. I haven't had anyone comfort me lately expect for you. Liam comes in a makes me feel much better am I suppose to tell him no?"

"I understand what you mean Louis. You have been tossed around, scream and yelled at. And then Liam comes and he makes you feel like you are the most special person in the world." She reaches for my arm and rubs it. I take a huge gulp of my tea almost burning my tongue in the process.

"The thing that is bothering me is the girl Sophia." Aalia gives me a confused look. I sigh and take out my phone. I go on Instagram and show her the pic of her and Liam.

"She is beautiful like oh my god." 

"My point exactly." I say. "I have a feeling that Liam and her are together. That he could be just feeling bad that he found someone over there while i am here still single after months of him being gone." I place my tea on the coffee table and lay on the ground. "Why the hell is life so damn complicated!" I scream. Aalia pulls me up so I am sitting up next to her. She gives extends her arms to give me a hug and I take it. I need a hug like this often. I feel so damn empty.

"Its going to be ok Louis, I promise. Everything is going to fall in place. Whoever you end up being with is going to be a lucky guy." She breaks the hug. I give her a smile before standing up. I had to go back to hell hole sooner or later so I gave her a quick hug before I left her apartment. I decided to take the stairs since her floor was close to mine.

I reached my apartment and opened the door. I enter the living room to see that Ash was over. It was forever since I seen him too. He was suppose to come over to my place for Christmas, but he his mom somehow convinced him to come to Australia. The boy did get a bit tan.

"Ash!" I ran over to my friend and literally almost crush him as I jumped on him. I wrap my arms around him burying my head into his body.

"Louis can't breath." He croaks. I get off the him and he takes a deep gasp of air clenching his heart. "I could have died of lack of air." I shrug my shoulders sitting next to him on the couch. The Tv was off, but he was on his phone. I look over his shoulder to see what he was doing. He moves his phone so I couldn't see anything. I whine and decide to head to my room. He obviously didn't want to talk to me. Another friend who is acting like an asshole. Great, I didn't really need to add another person to add that list. I could hear Zayn in his room. I open the door and poke my head in. He was on his phone too. I stare at the lad till he would notice me, but he didn't even look up once. I let out a sigh and slammed the door closed. I heard a thump come from his room and him whine in pain. Serves him right.

I head to my room to see that Liam was still passed out on my bed. Not wanting to bother him and I laid on the other side of the bed. I was a wee bit tired so I decided that I should get some shut eye. As I closed my eyes trying to sleep, I felt to arms grab me from behind and pull me to the other side of the bed. 

"Stay close." I hear Liam mutter. Then he was asleep once again. A smile formed on my face and I snuggled closer to Liam. I closed me eyes once again with the smile stuck on my face.

I want to start off this note by saying that I am super sorry for the delay for updating this story. I just came home from traveling and I was super busy with family. Since I am back at home and have nothing better to do I will be updating more often. I also had a brief writers block, but I finally got my shit together and know what direction this story is going. Cause there is one ONE DIRECTION for this story. Haha!

Liam is back y'all! Well for a little bit. There was some Lilo in this chapter and sorry for the lack of Larry. Harry and Louis are like in a fight at the moment. Louis is super lonely since he did get in fights with basically everyone he is using Liam to occupy that empty piece in him since he stopped talking to Niall and Harry for a while. Do you guys think Louis right, that he wasn't loved as much and Liam is there for him and is using him? I would love to hear what you guys think so please comment! Be lovely peeps and also vote! :)

The story is slowly coming to an end which makes me super sad like omg. I am planning about 45 chapters maybe 50? Since this story is coming to an end, I am in the process of writing a new Larry story which y'all will love! I will be posting it maybe this weekend of something so look out for it!

Thank you guys so much for reading and all!! You guys are really awesome people!! Love y'all!!!

The Driver- Larry Stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now