Chapter 7 - Separation

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After Lena left, I stayed on the sofa, thinking about her. I know people will think it's odd that a 15 year old is dating a 26 year old, but I didn't care. Lena was the first person who I'd loved and cared about in years and it would stay that way.

I thought about Lena for a while, not doing much else. Eventually though, I pulled my laptop out and started doing whatever really, nothing really interesting. I heard some noises outside, but didn't think much of it.

A few hours went by as I was sat there. Nothing eventful happened, that is until the alarm went off. As it did, I sprung to my feet and ran out of my room, dropping everything as I did so. As I exited my room, I heard gunfire and explosions. I went to go run back into my room to grab my phone and laptop, but the window exploded and several talon troops ran in.

I ran down the stairs, trying my best to avoid all life as I did so. Gunshots echoed through the building as I did so. I ran straight to 76's office, since I knew that Gabriel wanted to kill me and 76 was the only one who could really stop him.

As I got to 76's door, I charged through and into his room to see him and Gabriel fighting each other once again. They both looked at me.

"Get out of here, before I kill you." Gabriel said.

"No. I'm not leaving until you're dead."

"Well then. Looks like you've chosen your fate." As he said that, he pulled something out of his pocket and pushed a button. As soon as he did, an explosion went off inside the base. I ran for the door, but the base came down on top of me. I passed out from the pain as it happened.

Lena pov

The alarm had just gone off. As soon as it did, I ran straight up to (y/n)'s room to help him, but I didn't get there in time. By the time I'd arrived, he'd already gone and his room destroyed. I ran outside to see if he had run to a dropship, but he wasn't there either. I heard an explosion and turned back to the base to see it collapse in on itself.

"(Y/n)!" I shouted as I ran over to it. I started desperately searching through the rubble, trying to find him. I searched for a good hour before Angela arrived.

"Lena, who are you looking for?" She asked.

"(Y/n)." I replied with tears in my eyes. Angela walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I, I'm sorry. I haven't seen him, and he was last seen running into 76's room. I think it'll be best if you just go back home and forget."

"But, I, I can't just forget about him!"

"Lena, he came into your life as quickly as he left. You didn't know him well and he always wanted to die, so he's happy now."

"No he's not!" I shouted as I started crying. "We, we loved each other, he said that I finally gave him a reason to live and for him to be happy."

Angela looked at the floor. "Lena, please. There's no hope. You've just got to move on."

I slumped back onto the ground. "But,"

"Lena, he'll always be watching over you. Now, head home before Talon get here and kill you."

I wanted to do anything but leave him here. I wanted to stay here, searching forever until I found him, but I knew I couldn't. I knew that if I stayed that I'd die, so I reluctantly boarded the dropship to Kings Row.

"Where's your friend?" My pilot asked. I looked at them with tears in my eyes. "Oh, I, I'm sorry." They said. I slumped into the chair as the ship took off, thinking about (y/n). He loved me and I loved him, and for him to have his life taken away so early and quickly, it's just, WHY HIM?

I cried the entire way back. As I got dropped off in Kings Row, I immediately went to the nearest supermarket and bought a litre bottle of vodka. The second I stepped into my house, I slumped onto the sofa and opened the bottle, trying to distract myself from what had just happened.

(Y/n) pov

I woke up to see a police officer standing above me. As he noticed I was awake, he pointed his gun at me.

"Stand up, and keep your hands on your head." He said. I did as he told, barely being able to stand up from pain. "You are being arrested on accounts of attempted murder." He said. As he reached for his handcuffs, I kicked him in the nuts before grabbing his gun and shooting him. I heard footsteps walking towards me so I grabbed everything I could see off of him and ran away.

I ran for a good 10 minutes before I stopped. I sat against a tree and looked at what I'd just stolen: a knife, a gun with 4 bullets in it, a phone and a wallet. I tried to enter Lena's phone number into it, but I couldn't remember exactly what it was. I sighed and looked up into the night sky. There were a few clouds, but not many. It was peaceful, like the night I met Lena. Suddenly it hit me. I had no clue where Lena had gone. I'd presumed that she's gone back to Kings Row, but I had no idea whether she had or not. Since there was nobody I could ask, I decided that heading to Kings Row would be my best bet. All I'd have to do is make my way through Gibraltar as a vigilante, getting what I need through force before hacking into an airport security system to make a passport checker believe that mine is correct, and fly to Britain. It would not be quick, or easy, but I had no other choice.

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