Announcement #2

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Some of my fav songs I think you may like

•Wrap Me In Plastic
•The Ink Spots-I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
•Wannabe-why Mona
•Homewrecker-Marina And The Diomonds
•Bubblegum B*itch-Marina And The Diomonds
•The Crayon Song Gets Ruined
•Sheep Sheep
•Dance Monkey
•Coffee For Your Head
•This Is Home-Cavetown
•All Eyes On Me-Or3o
•I Hate This Song-Or3o
•Scared Of You-CG5

So those are some of my favorite songs that are NOT in order, I will surely make a part two to this maybe make a whole book just about it xD, Bye little sweets~💙Lapidot💙

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