Chapter 6

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When mom first took me into her home, my new grandparents were on a camping trip. When they returned home, they had a " new " grandson. My grandfather has never treated me any differently. He always treated me as one of his own blood grandchildren. He is gone now, but, anytime he would come to visit us when he would go to leave to go back to his house, he would look at me and say " Love you, little buddy! " Boy, what I wouldn't give to hear those words once more! My grandmother was also accepting. She is gone now, too. She passed away not long after my grandfather.

The fact that I was not " blood " to them did not matter. I was family, regardless of how it happened! This also meant I had a new cousin ( actually several ) but one, in particular, I really took a liking to. I wanted to be around him all the time, hang out, etc. I don't know what it was, I just liked being with and around him all the time. He is an awesome guy, with a good heart, and an even better cousin and if I am honest, my favorite cousin out of all of my cousins.

My uncles are cool, too! I have three. I love them all. They were also accepting of their " new nephew. " I finally had people who accepted me, just as I was. Wheelchair and all. I could now be happy. I finally had a family, who weren't going to use me for my check. And it feels great. I have been in their family, for almost 19 years. I wouldn't change anything for the world! I love them dearly!

One of my aunts and I act just like siblings, instead of aunt/nephew. It's funny. Before she moved away, we'd fight, and all the crazy stuff, just like siblings do. She drives me crazy sometimes, as I'm sure I do her, but, I wouldn't change the fact that she's my aunt for anything. I love her dearly. I also have two other aunts. One lives above me, and one lives below. I love them dearly, too.

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