Chapter 10

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Prince shalak P.O.V

I rushed and caught anila as he was falling unconsious on the floor preventing his head from hitting the floor.
I cant forget the way he looked at me with hate and terrified of me.
I carried his unconsious body to his bed as i called out guards to bring "Bring me palace doctors,healers or!" I barked at the guard as he rushed out.
Soon the room was filled with healers trying their best.
"Your highness,the patient is breathing but.." one of the healers approached me.
"But what?" I asked.
"He has lost his awareness of this real world,he is suffering from depression,we cant tell when he will come to his senses." The healer said to me.
"He told me he once suffered from that great depression which cut him off from the real world for an year,do something healer i cant have him going for an year again." I sadly say to the healer.
"If it has happen to him in the past then we can do something but he will wake up the next morning." The healer said.
"Do whatever you can and get him to my own royal chamber,i want to be the one to watch over him."  I said to healer.
"Will do that your highness." The healer said and went back to join the rest of the healers at anila's bed.
I turned and sat at the coach as i remember how anila smiles at me,blush at me.
He even told me am attractive and handsome boy he has ever seen,my fingers played with his fingers.
I controlled myself from pouncing at him kissing him and getting in between his legs and dig him forever,my cock was always full whenever we touch or  stare at each other.
If it were other royal male consorts like tela i would have already raped him but somehow anila is different i manage to control myself.
His fate with me was sealed once he told me of his nightmare been taken into captive by a shadow carrying a crown and i immediately knew it was me.
I took a false name bale and pretended to be his teacher so that i can get close to anila and go through him.
With tense moments keeping on occuring whenever we locked each other eyes,we felt each other and i knew there is a chance of him loving me.

Anila P.O.V

My inner voice told me to open my eyes. I opened as i give out soft moan. My vision was clear and found i was in a different environment i mean different chamber. The chamber walls were decorated with beautiful patterns and images,i sat up and found i was in a huge bed,i saw gold furnitures,everything about this chamber is magnificent.
The room had a potrait of him prince shalak thats when it got to me am in his chamber.
There was something that caught my attention which was facing me directly covered in a purple cloth.
I was curious,i got out of the bed and walk weakly to it,i pulled the purple cloth and by gods i saw myself. It was my potrait the one shalo drew me.
I stepped back remembering how i was happy then.
"Its all your fault! You the reason why am here!" I screamed at the potrait and pushed the stand as my potrait fell on the floor.
"Thats my gift from my brother and you want to destroy it?"
I turned my head to wear the voice was coming from.
There he was prince shalak standing on the entrance to his balcony,i never noticed him when i woke up..his hands were pulled behind. Standing firm with a cold smile.
I felt rage "then its your fault you demon!" I ran towards him attacking him with my small fists hitting his chest and face.
"You liar! You lied to me! You are horrible human! Curse you! Curse you shalak" i screamed at him as i hit him with fists on his face and slapping him.
To my suprised he didnt move, defend himself or stopped me as i assault him. I slow my fists throws as i cry growing tired and had my head leaning on his chest,crying on his chest as put his wrapped his arms round my shoulders pressing me closer to his chest. "Calm down anila,i wont hurt you,you are safe." He said to me. Somehow i felt comfort in this disgusting handsome demon.

Prince Shalak P.O.V

I cant believe i was unable to defend myself and hit him back hard. I said to myself as i was walking down the hallway. How dare he raised his hand to a prince. I said as i was feeling my face with my hand,anyway it didnt hurt that much,what a weakling! Too soft,fights like a girl,he cant throw a real fist.
Smiling to myself,he must have scratch my face too because i feel itchy.
I burst the doors open and found my brothers emida and jala relaxing in their coaches drinking as they were entertained my musicians. This is one of the palace chambers where members or royal family get entertained.
"Brother what happened to your face? Where you in a fight?" Emida asked me as i sat down beside him touching my face.
" Aaai That hurts emida." I growled pushing away his hand.
"Its Anila doing." I continued.
They both laughed at me.
"Trouble in your love garden." Jala sneered at me as he laugh out.
"Wait is he alive? You didnt kill him?" Emida asked cautiously.
"No he is alive! In my own chamber!..I didnt even touch him! He just attacked me like a wild dog! How dare he did this to me!' i said with anger in my voice.
"So you just stood there letting anila to beat you and you didnt defend yourself or hit him back? Hahaha brother you are crazy crazy in love! He is your weakness." Jala said laughing.
They both love to gang up on me and making fun of me.
"Am loving him already brother,the mighty prince shalak gotten what he deserved." Emida said laughing.
I got realy embarassed and annoyed that my brothers have a chance of making fun of me.
"Go get your bruises treated brother before mother sees it,your light skin complexion doesnt make it any better." Jala said laughing.
I stood up leaving the chamber as the musicians continue singing.
"Little brother make sure you dont take any of your weapons in your chamber or else anila wont hesitate to use them against you." Emida said both laughing.
I frowned as i left the chamber.

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