chapter 5: origins of the rifleman

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* years ago *

pirrha was a orphan his whole life he never knew his mother or father but even if he did know them he couldn't see them cause he was blind pirrha was always getting bullied for being blind and from what the other kids yelled at him for having four eyes and arms he sometimes wished he could see his family but one day while he was sleeping he heard the owner of the orphanage call out his name

owner: pirrha we have someone to get you he yelled pirrha grabbed his stick and tried to find his way to the door then his face hitted into something he then heard the owner say

owner: pirrha meet you new father he said pirrha then really wished he could see cause he was getting adopted he then heard the man chuckle

???: hehehe thanks come on kid lets go he said patting pirrha on the back the 2 went out the door and got into a truck well pirrha couldn't tell or know what a truck looks like when he got in it he asked the man

pirrha: what's your name mister? he asked the man who chuckled and said

???: well most people call me....the spider he told pirrha 

* time skip *

pirrha was guided into the house and he sat down on some kind of seat he then asked the man

pirrha: why did you adopt me mister he asked the spider who said

spider: well cause I heard about your quirk and cause I would like to have you in my crew he told pirrha who said

pirrha: well sorry mister but I can't really use my quirk since I'm well.....blind he told the man who laughed and said

spider: oh I know pirrha I know but I have a gift for you I just need you to hold still okay pirrha nodded and the man walked over to him and putted something on his four eyes and the man then said 

spider: know kid open your eyes he told pirrha who did and was shocked.....he could see everything he saw color shapes he then looked at the spider who had four aqua eyes and four arms he looked a little chubby he then walked and looked in a mirror to see his face the robot eyes he had on were plain white he had four arms and he dark black hair it has short he then looked at the spider and said

pirrha: thank you spider thank you he told the spider who said

spider: you welcome and oh where are my manors come outside with me he told pirrha and they both walked outside to see a what looked like a weird city and the spider then said

spider: well boy welcome to the tangled shore my shore my law he told pirrha and then the spider said

spider: oh and one thing you are know a part of my crew and you'll be doing jobs for me he told pirrha who then asked him

pirrha: what kind of jobs? he asked the spider who laughed and said

spider: HAHAHAHA oh the jobs will be killing people that I hate or people who don't pay up so boy what do you say he asked pirrha who said

pirrha: I can't I never and I can't kill I just can't he told the spider who sighed and said

spider: I was hoping I didn't half to do this he said pulling out a small button and pushing it and all the sudden pirrha couldn't see anymore he then said

pirrha: wait why can't I see any more he said he then tripped over something falling over the spider sighed and said

spider: see kid its like this I scratched your back by getting you out of that orphanage and for giving your robot eyes to see so know you scratch my back by killing other people that I want you too and you'll get a home and you can see so kid let me ask you something do we have a deal? he asked pirrha who sighed and said

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