Help, We Need an Assassin

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He was in an elite group of warriors. 

To his left was the princess, Battlewinner, with her mother, the queen, next to her. To his left was Mastermind. They were plotting the demise of another group of NightWings who support the RainWings.

Who would support another tribe, least of all RainWings? Which NightWings were dumb enough for that?

So they had to kill those NightWings, as sad as it was. They couldn't afford two or three NightWings causing a war among the NightWing tribe. The options were to let it play out and have NightWings kill NightWings or to kill this secret group.

Their numbers were so low, they couldn't afford a war among them. So, they were going to hire a trusted assassin to get rid of the problem.

Sounded like a great plan, right?

Well, it would be, if they could actually find an assassin. Right now, they had a list of two assassins in the tribe they can contact. The problem was the fact that neither of them could be found or could be trusted enough for something like this.

"I say we just go kill them ourselves. We can't find two of the assassins since the general sent them off to the continent. Who knows where they are or how much longer this mission could take. We need to take matters into our own hands," a NightWing seated across from him, Nova, claimed.

"No, we wait. Patience is key to anything successful," he retorted. 

Mastermind claimed, "Nova does have a point. If we need to take matters into our own talons, we need to have a plan ready to go. So let's plan for both scenarios."

"Yes, and anything else that could happen, even the slightest change," Battlewinner growled, clearly irritated. "I say we wait, Morrowseer talks to the young one -- whatever her name is -- and sees if she is worth trusting."

"But--" Mastermind protested.

The queen snapped, "Shut up, dragonet. That's the plan."

Everyone just let their eyes wander around the room, afraid to say a word for fear of angering the queen. The queen just stood there, most likely slightly amused.

"Dismissed," she finally stated, walking away.

Morrowseer gave Mastermind the I-told-you-so look and Mastermind just growled. He was clearly annoyed but nobody questions the queen. 

As everyone walked out, Morrowseer noticed a young dragonet waiting outside the meeting cave. She was confident and had her eyes locked on him. He recognized her but he wasn't sure from where.

He did his best to blend into the crowd and he flew back to his adoptive family.

He knew he was adopted, his mother gave him away when he turned one. He still had that image in his head.

However, he didn't mind them. His parents let him take his own path in life. His adoptive sister was very accepting and never minded the fact he was grouchy. She usually lifted his spirits. So he did his best to make sure she was safe, despite the fact he didn't agree with her life choices.

When he landed at the doorway, he saw his sister, Dreamcatcher, with her girlfriend, Secretkeeper. He didn't like the fact they were dating, especially since he liked Secretkeeper. He was also a firm believer that the tribe came before feelings. So those two need a mate because the tribe needs dragonets.

But while he may not agree with the choices his sister made, he still loves her and will protect her and whoever she is with.

Well, he would protect her unless she was a part of the secret group helping the RainWings. Then, she has truly betrayed her tribe and cannot live. So he would protect her until that happens, if it happens.

"Hey, Morrowseer! How was your time with Mastermind?" Dreamcatcher asked.

"Good. We went for a walk and talked about guy stuff," Morrowseer lied. His family didn't know he was in a secret group and he'd prefer to keep it that way. His secret stays his own and this way he can spy on everyone without anyone knowing what his true motives are.

"Awesome," Secretkeeper said, smiling. Dreamcatcher wrapped her arm around Secretkeeper's shoulder and leaned on Secretkeeper's shoulder. Secretkeeper rested her head on Dreamcatcher's and they both smiled.

Morrowseer went to his room and looked out the window. He didn't like the fact Quickstrike would be their assassin but it didn't matter. He had to do what he was ordered to do.

So, hopefully, Quickstrike was up for it and had finally had more training. he kind of sucked right now.

Help, we need an actual assassin, Morrowseer thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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