Chapter 27 - Guests all around

Start from the beginning

"Don't mention it kid. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, bye." I mentally facepalm for saying bye again. There's a chuckle on the other end.

"Bye." He says before ending the call and I wanna slap myself.

I take a deep breath before turning around and walking back to my friends.

"Good news! He didn't say no." I say and Ned's eyes light up once again.

"Peter Oh my god I love you right now Thank you for letting me experience this in my life You are the best and always is and I would hug the soul out of you but I need you to hold me up if I faint." Ned says with out pause, his whole being vibrating out of excitment.

"Don't mention it." I smile. "Umm... we'll have someone drive us there and... umm... Mr. Stark said he'd be here soon so... uhh... Let's go." I motion towards the doors and we start moving.

As we step out into the sun, we see a cool black car pull up in front of the school.

"I swear, Happy really got a thing for timing..." I mumble quietly under my breath.

"Peter is that...?" Ned pulls on my sleeve.

"It's just Happy. He works for Mr. Stark." I explain, walking down to the curb and the window to the passenger seat opens, revealing Happy in the drivers seat.

"Sup Happy." I smile nervously.

"Tony warned me. You're friends can get in the back, you'll sit in the front." Happy says tiredly. 

I nod and Ned and MJ get in the back seat while I sit down in the front. The little window between the front and backseat is open and I can see Ned freaking out. MJ just looks at him, then shrugs her shoulders and takes her phone out and takes a picture of him. 

It's something MJ and I sometimes do just for fun since Ned is the biggest fanboy out of the three of us. I run close second and MJ isn't even on the podium.

Happy huffs annoyingly next to me and I give him a light smile, which he ignores. I turn back to look at Ned.

"Ned, buddy, you doing good?" I laugh.

"This is the best day of my life..." He smiles, making me smile.

"Imagine how he'll look like when we're there." MJ snorts. 

"Like the happiest boy in this muffin trucking world." Ned answers.

"Geez kid, you have some strange friends." Happy mutters under his breath.

"But they're nice." I mumble back, making his head turn at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

The car drives into the garage and we all step out except for Ned. Happy huffs again while MJ and I help him out. It's always fun seeing him fanboy like this.

"You know the way up, right kid?" Hapyy asks, locking the car.

"Yup. Thanks Happy!" I smile and we step into the elevator without him. The doors close and I say penthouse. Not a second later, the elevator starts moving. "Alright. So... Ned... you gotta get yourself together. We can't carry you home after."

"I'm sorry... this is just... so cool." Ned breathed.

"How many stars are in his eyes?" MJ asks and I look at Ned, before looking back at her.

"Too many to count." I answer and soon the doors open. We step out and my spidey sense is telling me someone is about to attack me from behind so I turn around and pin the person to the ground, but I quickly let go, realizing my mistake.

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