Mind Your Place...

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Yaoi/bdsm warning.

Vegeta saw his opportunity and took it. He felt Bobiti's magic clawing at his brain. He had allowed himself to be taken over, but refused to be used as a puppet. Defying the loud voice in his head was excruciating. He felt as if his mind would tear in two. Yet, in spite of the pain, the power he gained felt exquisite. He could finally hold his own against his half whitted adversary. Still the idiot kept asking, "Why? Why would you let this happen? How could you let this happen?"

"I wanted to be who I was before! These earthlings made me soft. They had domesticated me... Now I'm once again a ruthless warrior! And I've never been happier..." He grinned through his teeth.

Vegeta had beaten him to the brink of defeat, leaving him cowering on the edge of a cliff to catch his breath. Vegeta pulled him up by the wrist and held him in the air like a half broken toy.


Vegeta simply laughed and threw his rival into a boulder then bound him with ki cuffs around each limb and his neck. Vegeta strode up to Kakarot and slapped him across both sides of his face. Kakarot moaned from what Vegeta assumed was pain.

"You're finally where you belong. Bleeding at my mercy... Now I can repay you for every indignation you forced me to endure, every humiliation, every victory you stole from me!"

Vegeta buried blow after blow into Kakarot's torso. Kakarot trembled and gasped for air. Just when he thought he couldn't handle any more, the relentless beating stopped. Kakarot lifted his head as high as he could and opened one eye to glare at the prince.

"C-can you blame me?" His voice was just a whisper.

Vegeta scowled and balled his fists.  "The hell are you talking about,  clown?"

"I... I just wanted to keep everyone safe... I need to keep everyone safe... You're pissed off because I spared and saved you? W-what would you expect? You're my prince..."

Vegeta hesitated. Kakarot had never referred to him as a prince... His prince... Vegeta gripped Kakarot's hair and raised his fist, ready to knock the idiot back into otherworld. He was grunting for air against the ki cuff around his neck. He was covered in dirt and blood from the fight. Vegeta looked deep into Kakarot's blue eyes he realized something... This whole time Kakarot had been doing exactly what any other saiyan would do for him back home... Protecting the prince... He slowly brought his hand to the cuff around Kakarot's neck and broke him free. He gasped with relief,  sucking in air until his chest puffed.

"Killing a dead man is meaningless..." Vegeta wasn't sure if it was Bobiti's magic or his own twisted mind that thought of it, but he decided there was a better way for him to claim victory over his rival. "However..." He grinned with an evil smirk that made Kakarot's stomach twist with fear... Or was it... Anticipation?...

With his fist still holding a good deal of golden hair, Vegeta stepped closer to the bruised and broken man in front of him. Their chests rubbed together with each of Kakarot's labouring breaths. Vegeta confidently pressed the palm of his hand on the bulge between Kakarot's restrained legs. Kakarot gasped and his eyes flew open looking Vegeta directly in the eyes. Vegeta leaned in until his lips grasped Kakarot's earlobe. "Showing you your place would taste just as sweet."

Kakarot shivered slightly. His breath hitched when Vegeta's teeth grazed the bruised skin of his neck. Vegeta started massaging his palm against Kakarot's now twitching member. Kakarot faught back a moan and struggle against the cuffs binding him to the jagged stone. A small voice in his head kept telling him to break the cuffs and beat the arrogant prince to a pulp, but a much louder voice was rejoicing. His prince wanted to be pleased and Kakarot was more than happy to comply.

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