We stopped at John B house to melt it down and drove to the pawn shop.

We arrived at the shop and all piled out of John  B's van.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ says looking at the terribly melted down hold in his hand.

I get out the van after her and roll my eyes. "Like you could've done better."

"I could've done much better. I took a welding class." JJ defends and I lean on the car door next to Sarah.

"You- When?" I ask him sucking in my cheeks.

"Woah, woah, Shh. Chill out, okay." John B tells the both of us.

I take a deep breath.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ teases and I look at him shocked.

"How did I get this job anyway?" He ask walking towards the shop.

"Cause you're the best liar." Pope says as we all follow JJ into the shop.

"Afternoon, ma'am." JJ says as we walk in.

JJ walks over to the lady at the counter and the rest of us unsuspiciously look around the store.

"I see you buy gold." JJ tells the lady.

"That's what the sign say, don't it." The lady says.

I walk over to a shelf with a bunch of glass and put some on.

"Ooh! The acid test. My favorite, guys." JJ says getting back my attention.

I fiddle with the glasses before putting them back on the shelf and watch JJ and the lady.

The lady takes a small liquid and daps is on the gold.

"Well, it ain't plated, and it ain't painted." The lady looks at the gold.

"Ma'am I'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long." JJ says.

I look over at Pope with a confused expression and he does the same.

"It look like somebody tries to melt it down." The lady says.

JJ hesitates for a second. "My mom." He says. "She had all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to melt it down." He lies.

I look around trying to hide my smirk.

"Seven pounds?" The pawn lady asks surprised. "That's a lot of earrings." She says.

"Okay, to be honest ma'am." JJ starts lying about his mom having Alzheimer's.

The lady leaves and then comes back and we make a deal with here.

She tells us she doesn't have the money with her so she sends us some place else.

We were back in John B's van going where the lady told us.

"So they keep money out here?" Pope ask and I look out the window at the old houses and trees.

"That's what she said?" JJ says. "That's what she said." JJ laughs.

"Stop." Pope immediately says.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah looks back at us.

"Cause you're rich." JJ tells her.

"You've never heard of it either." Kie says and I look at JJ with a "Ha" face.

I look back out the window.

"There's nothing but weeds back here, guys?" I tell them.

"Just because it's just weeds doesn't mean it's, like..." JJ gets cut off by sirens.



We're not gonna talk abt how I haven't uploaded in exactly a year😐

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