Ch. 1

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Donald, Della, Panchito and Jose were standing in a small circle, nervous about their trainer for the new SHUSH agents. It was hot in the outdoor training grounds, and everyone was wearing comfortable athletic wear. Donald even brought along a bottle of acai smoothie he made himself
' What if the trainer is some stone faced dude who will annihilate us?' Donald asked, a twang of nervousness evident in his tone.
' Oh, stop being a drama queen, brother, ' Della guffawed, ' I'm sure it's not that bad. '
' Maybe it is some Napoleon, ' Jose said calmly as he was drinking his bottle of lemonade to calm his nervous.
' Now, that is way worse than a Hercules, amigo, ' Panchito rebuffed his Brazilian friend.
The whole training ground ceased their chattering as a tall, handsome lilac parakeet with a full figure entered. Her dark hair was tied into a slick bun, and her SHUSH uniform was embedded with medals and a golden star.
' Wait, this spicy senorita is our trainer?' Panchito asked, his eyes having big hearts, but his friends hushed him.
' ALRIGHT, NEW RECRUITS, LINE UP!' the female SHUSH executive roared, and everyone else formed a line.
' Welcome to SHUSH, senors and senoras ' the SHUSH commander announced in a Hispanic accent that is definitely not Mexican' I am Commander Esmeralda Cruz. As you may all know, SHUSH and FOWL are at war. SHUSH has already allied themselves with McDuck Enterprises, Waddle and several other enterprises. That is why we need new recruits more than ever. Most of you here may have viable skills in detective work,martial combat and political technology. But here, in SHUSH, we have the agents of utmost vigilance, alertness and agility. Now! I will do a roll call, and when I call out your name, please say YES M'AM, or HERE, comprendo?'
' YES, M'AM!' all the SHUSH newbies hollered.
Meanwhile, Panchito was too dazed by Esmeralda's beauty and feisty spirit to even listen.
Esmeralda looked at the list of 26 new recruits her bosses had assigned to her to train and began shouting out names in alphabetical order
' HERE!'
' HERE!'
' HERE!'
' HERE, M'AM!' Della shouted as, she also grabbed Donald and raised their hands ' M'AM, YOUR OUTFIT IS TOTALLY AMAZING!'
Everyone tensed as Esmeralda marched over to the now very nervous Duck twins, and said ' You two, are the niece and nephew of Scrooge McDuck, right ?'
' Y-Yes, M'am!' Donald and Della saluted nervously.
Esmeralda gave them all one look, Nd sighed ' Well, Della, welcome back to Earth. I shall take your brother's name as well. Your enthusiasm, I may add, is rightly encouraged. '
' THANK YOU, M'AM!' The twins saluted loudly.
' She definitely is not Mexican, ' Panchito thought to himself ' Where could she be from!'
Esmeralda continued her list of names. And when she reached Panchito's, he exclaimed ' Señora, su atuendo sería aún más bonito si no hubiera tantas capas!'
Not everyone understood Spanish, but they all got that it was some licentous joke and they all sniggered.
Esmeralda gave them all a steely glare to shut them up, marched over to a now nervous Panchito and hissed. ' Esto es extremadamente grosero, soldado, y lo sabes.'
' Bueno, ' Panchito stammered ' Eres una mujer muy hermosa, después de todo.'
Much to their utter surprise, Esmeralda kicked Panchito in the shin, and exclaimed ' ¡Eso es para interrumpir el llamado al rol! Y gracias por el cumplido, de todos modos. '
As she stormed back to where she was and continued her roll call, Panchito, who was still wincing from the sharp pain on his shin, whispered ' Fue un honor conocerte, mi hermoso chile. '

First Day of Training Where stories live. Discover now