eleven - beef jerky jerk

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September 11, 2014.

When I woke up this morning I smiled.

It's a first.

I know.

But last night, I accepted Christ as my savior.

Now I think I'm a Christian.

Symosis says it's my decision.

But I know that Jesus died for my sins.

What stood out to me is that God sent Symosis to me.

In that little girl is something huge.

We saw a sign this morning. The way home is a two day walk.

To think that the person I was ten days ago at the super market was completely someone else apart from me.

I am no longer the jerk.

Symosis made sure of that.

"Beef Jerk Can Change A Jerk"

Happily Happy On The Road,

Henry Wallace.

Wow Guys.

The End.

The Epilogue will be up shortly.

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