five - beef jerky jerk

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September 3, 2014.

I'm ready to kill her.

She's so annoying. She never stops talking. I swear, one more word.

She told me today that she thought she knew where we were. So I stupidly followed her into the swamp with my journal and a pen. Now we are camped out and I'm using the light of the moon to write.

She told me about her older brother who is eighteen. And is nicer than me apparently. Her name is Symosis Lee. And she ran away. Her mom was pushing her into tons of guys to date. She also lost her father a few weeks ago. Which was hard on her.

She's too cheery. I think it covers up her true feelings but I'm not saying anything.

I forgot to mention!

She's not twelve, she's sixteen.

She's just unusually small.

But I still think she's cute.

She calls me jerk a lot.

We found a fresh water stream. I drank it. But felt disgusted after. I'm not much of a nature guy.

I'm starving.

She won't stop bothering me about her stupid strips of beef jerky. But honestly I would rather die.

At this rate, I probably will.

september 3, 2014'. An hour later.

It's cold.

I want a coat badly.

I miss home.

Symosis doesn't.

She says that she has something to keep her safe. I hope she's right.


Henry Wallace.

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