hide and seek 🔦

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Also, I thought I'd post these next two chapters then take a break okay, okay

Please listen to this song it's so fucking good
It literally sounds like the stranger things theme song but liked remixed soo good
I also am in love with this music video I love trippy cool animation shit like this I'll literally watch hours of trippy video and not even notice it's like my own type of therapy gets me away from the world and forget the worlds whole existence and what's going on like the world has stopped spinning and time stops but continues going but I'm just so lost into it okay sorry for like my whole ass paragraph but I just thought I'd let that out

A month later

Y/n's pov:

It's been a month since Quint died a month since me and Miles and I had gotten together

Flora didn't really understand everything because this time she hadn't seen anything like she did when her parent died

I soon found out that the lady that had slept in my room before and still slept there was named Miss. Jessel I also found out that she had gotten lost and found a path along the woods that connected to the house and Quint had brought her in

This house had become creeper ever since Quint died I liked creepy but something was just weird

Miles had soon grown to become very pale and his skin had been vacuumed to his skin he stopped eating a lot only eating a bit here and there so he wouldn't starve to death

I had soon later followed in his footsteps my skin complexion had completely become paler from it original y/s/c complexion my skin had also been sunken in showing each of my bones as if I didn't have skin covering it and just a skeleton

If you were to just meet Miles and me for the first time you'd think we were from corpses bride although we'd both dead well look dead

I'd puke every now and then because that's how your body reacts to these types of things

I began getting stomach cramps and I hadn't had my period in a month and no it's not because I'm pregnant but once you become super skinny well practically anorexic you lose your period

Flashback: a week since you two have been together

Miles was laying on his bed while I went to go to the bathroom I opened up the medicine cabinet and opened one of those medical boxes I seen a blade and pulled it out placing it in my dress pocket and walked back into the room

Miles stared at the ceiling I walked over to him laying down on his body at this time he wasn't as skinny as he is now but still skinny

I placed my head on his lower stomach and my legs wrapped up in his

I soon turned my head looking up at him he looked back down at me I pulled up his shirt then pulling it higher to his head

I liked that miles never questioned what I did he just let me do it so that's what he did let me take off his shirt

I then got up on his lap him still laying down though

I placed my hands on his lower stomach then moved them upwards towards his ribcage I had seen goosebumps appear on his stomach due to my interaction to his skin

I bent the upper half of my body down and placed small little kisses on his bare skin

I lifted myself back up looking at him

"Miles" "yeah y/n," he said smiling a bit "I have an idea" "what is it," he said adjusting his body and putting the rest of his weight on his arms

I pulled out the blade from my pocket and Miles gave me a questionable look and asked "what is that for" "well I want to give each of us both a scar to know that we'll always be together even if we aren't together physically"

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