Chapter 9

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I know I haven't updated in a while but I have a lot of work to do because I have an English exam the week we go back to school and loads of home work
Chapter 8
A few months after we arrived back at hogwarts only 2 weeks until the summer holidays I was sat on the 7th floor reading a book about the second wizarding war when it was snatched out of my hands and I was grabbed roughly and slammed against the wall I looked up to see Parkinson smirking down at me and she leaned over and whispered "watch your back" while cutting off my breathing I started feeling dizzy "STUPIFY" I got my wand out of my robe sleeve and yelled at her but she deflected it threw me to the floor and walked away with that stupid ass smirk on her pug face.
"Hollie?" I hear a voice James and scorpious just walked around the corner seeing me in a crumpled state on the floor trying to get oxygen in my system.I couldn't seem to breath when I started seeing black spots the last thing I saw was the two lads running over to me as I blacked out.

Cmon wake up Hollie just open your eyes I said to my self in my head as my eyes were glued shut I heard people coming in and out of the hospital wing James hasn't left my side I hear him everyday.

I finally built up enough strength to open my eyes "mhm" I tried to form words "james" I whispered voice croaky for the lack of fluids "5 more minutes" he said I giggled at him he was asleep on my leg "JAMES WAKE UP" I shouted "mhm WHAT" and he fell off of his chair. I was laughing at him "your awake!" He said "no way"i said my voice laced with sarcasm.
The healer checked me over and said to drink plenty of water and eat plenty. "what day is it" I asked "we leave today" James said " a girl packed your stuff for you can't remember her name" he said
Getting off the train
I shrunk my trunk and put it in my pocket and my backpack on with my owl flying so she follows me. I don't know where I'm gonna go I'm just going to walk around a bit hide from death eaters and whatever else .I was making my way to the platform exit "HOLLIE HOLLIE HOLL HOLLIE HO-"I heard until it cut off my James running right into me so we fell over him on top of me "ugh James get off of me" I said annoyed "I like this position though" he said cheekily smirking at me he stared at me when "James get off the poor girl" hermionie said hiding a smile we get up dusting off our pants "where are you going" he said "erm here there everywhere my mother is not" I said back to him "your staying with us" he said more of a command "er no I'm not" I said
"Yes wait what no I'll be intruding" I said confused "no you won't scorpious is staying after the second week and mum and dad said its fine" he said " and you get to spend a whole 2 weeks with me before scorpious comes then a whole 6 altogether" he said grinning like a madman oh god 2 weeks with James potter please God help me I said a little prayer in my head as he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.

Finally an update I updated yesterday but it only uploaded a bit and it all deleted so I had to remember what I could and rewrite everything next chapter tonight or tomorrow if there's at least 3 votes
Love you -H

Always (Harry Potter Next gen)DISCONTINUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें