Seemingly not listening to Sirius' yells, Pettigrew shuffled over to Ron and knocked down in front of him, said bot looked like he wished to be anywhere but where he was.

"You won't let them kill me will you......wasn't I a good rat......a good pet"

"I let you sleep in my bed" He said in a repulsed tone.

"If you made a better ray than human it's not to much to boast about" Lupin cut in.

Petteigrew gave up on Ron and shuffeled over to Hermionie.

"Sweet girl......clever have to help me..."

Hermione pulled away from him and back up against the wall, Pettigrew moved on to his last chance in the room and kneels down in front of Harry.

"Harry......your eyes look just like your mothers, she was a very good friend of mine, she would never hurt me -"


Black carfully handed Daist bacon over to her brother as he and Lupin strode forward and ripped him away from the children, not paying attention to his crys for mercy and they threw him to the floor.

"You sold James and lily to Voldemort, do you deny it?" Sirius interrogated.

Petteigrew began to blubber like a baby and he certainly was not a pretty crier.

"What would you have done, the dark have now idea the powers he posseses............ Voldemort forced me"

"DON'T LIE! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS!" Sirius voice was starting to get very hoarse from the yelling.

"You should have realised that if Voldemort didn't kill you we would, Harry, Daisy, give us our wands please"

"NO" The twins shouted together "No please don't kill him please" Daisy begged them.

"Twins the price of vermin is the reason your parents are no longer with us" The men did not at all understand the childrens protests.

"We know what he is" Harry said "we will take him up to the castle and hand him to the dementors, he can go to Azkaban because if anyone deserves it, its him"

Pettigrew crawled back over them and grabbed their trousers, crying to the7r legs.

"Twins thank you"

"Get off" Harry shoved him away from them "we didn't do this for you we are doing it because I don't think my mom and dad would have wanted their friends to become muderers just for you"

Harry and Daisy gave Sirius and Lupin their wands back and Lupin shot a spell at Peter that tyed him up, the same one that Snape had used on him earlier. Once the man was unable to move Lupin wandered over to Ron and used the same spell that he had used on Daisy to wrap bandages aroun Ron's leg.

"What about profesor Snape?" Hermione asked

"There is nothing seriously wrong with him, Daisy was just a little over enthusiastic" Sirous said and Daisy looked down at her shoes feeling bad "we can just take him like this, Mobilicorpus"

Snape was pulled into a standing position and he hung a few inches of the ground.

"And two of us should be chained to this" He suggested while gesturing over to Peter

"I'll do it" said Lupin.

"And me" Ron said limping forward.

"Professor Lupin you can't!"

"Why is that Daisy?"

"It's the full moon and you haven't taken your potion, I'd you go out the moon will hurt you"

Lupin smiled at Daisy's choice of words and nodded.

"Oh yes thank you for reminding me Daisy, Sirius you take my place"

Sirius and Ron chained themselves to the traitor and they all walked through the door and down the passageway, Daisy hugged Lupin and pulled a chocolate frog from her pocket and put it on the bed.

"If you feel sad when you turn back into you, this should make you feel better"

"Thank you Daisy, I am sure it will now go and catch up with the others, I'd rather you went out there all by yourself "

Daisy ran out of the room and was quick to catch up with the rest of the group and Harry took her hand into his own. Sirius bent down and tapped the knot to imobilise the tree before they all clambered out and breathed in the fresh air.

They put a spell on Peter so that he wouldn't be able to move or transform into his animal form, they took a seat on the grass and Hermionie ran into the castle to go and get professor Dumbeldoor.

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