Chapter 2: Stupid Thoughts

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I sit miserably in history class, AP United States History, or APUSH, to be exact, learning about the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It's only the third week of sophomore year, so it's not like we've gotten very far in the curriculum yet. My eyes glaze over and the slave trade map blurs into one big blob of color. I know I'm supposed to be focusing, but I just can't stop myself from replaying what just happened in biology not that long ago.

Like seriously... it's been like this all hour.

I can't get Levi's shaggy hair out of my mind. I've been trying to decide if it's blond or brown, I guess you could say it's an even mix between the two. And his freckles, GOD his freckles. They make him look even tanner than he already is and, if it's possible, even more kissable.

I frown as I realize I don't really know what his eyes look like; I think they're a dark brown. I've never really been close enough to him to really tell, well besides today that is. I must really be out of it because I jump when Mr. Hardaway calls my name. He chuckles lightly and says, "You must've been really deep in thought, I called your name twice before you practically fell out of your chair."

I feel my cheeks flush and move my thin brown hair out of my face once again, "Sorry, what was the question?"

I can tell he's a little irritated that he has to repeat himself but does anyway, "I asked what the Middle Passage was."

I'm surprised I actually know what this is. I read the textbook a little bit last night because I was bored and knew we were going to be learning about this today. Good thing I did, otherwise I would have no idea what is going on with Levi taking over my head. "Oh, sorry. The Middle Passage is the triangular trade route that the African slaves were traded on when they were transported to the New World." I realized I practically just recited the textbook line for line, and look down at my desk, slightly adjusting my papers so I have something to do with my hands.

"Wow, I'm surprised you got all that from staring across the room. Well done," Mr. Hardaway replies.

I blush even more knowing that everyone is judging me for being a teacher's pet. I really can't help it, it's just who I am I guess. Mr. Hardaway tells us to pack up our things because the bell will ring in a few minutes. I slide my worksheet back into my blue history folder and start to close my notebook. The only notes I have down are "Constitutional Convention - 1787" and the definition of the Three-Fifths Compromise.  What even is the Constitutional Convention? I couldn't even bother to write down the definition, damn you Levi.

I've never had trouble focusing in class before, especially history. It's usually one of my favorites, which is obvious because I'm taking AP, but for some reason I couldn't even listen today.

I slightly shake my head to clear my mind as the bell rings. I quickly zip up my backpack and walk over to my best friend Mari. As soon as we lock eyes she starts giggling. I visibly scowl at her for teasing me over something so small.

"Dude, you were a literal tomato. I didn't know it was possible for someone to get so red," she covers her mouth to cover her obvious laughter. She knows I don't like to get called on in class. As much as I know the work, I don't want anyone else to know that. I guess that sounds pretty stupid; even though I'm already known as the nerdy girl, I don't want that to be what everyone thinks of me as.

Well, at least not Levi, I don't really care what anyone thinks. Wait... what is going on, did I just say Levi? I need some sense knocked into me, there is no way that I'm starting to care about what a boy thinks of me. It's only been one hour! No way in hell.

I push my stupid thoughts about Levi aside and pretend to punch her in the arm. She doesn't even flinch because she knows I would never do it, but it's the threat that counts. She picks up her backpack and we walk down the aisle of desks, about to head to lunch.

"Piper," Mr. Hardaway starts, "Could I talk to you for a minute?"

I nervously glance at Mari as she walks out the door and waits by the lockers so she is out of view. At least that's where I think she is, I swear if she doesn't wait for me to go to lunch I'm going to have to actually punch her in the arm. At least she won't see that one coming.

"Um, yeah sure," I respond timidly. I walk over to his desk at the front of the room, tightly clutching my backpack as it hangs off one shoulder. "If this is about the Middle Passage, I'm sorry that I wasn't paying attention. I read the textbook last night for a bit of light reading but I still should have listened. I'm sorry," Mr. Hardaway simply sat there as I rambled on and on, obviously nervous.

"There's no need to apologize, yet again. I just wanted to talk to you about your recent  tardiness to class."

As he brings up something I've done wrong, my face flushes again, "I'm so sorry, it's just we've been doing a lot of labs recently in Ms. Jonet's biology class and I have this new partner, that is completely unreliable by the way, and I have to do all the work." I let about a long sigh; I didn't breathe through any of that.

He raises his hands in reassurance, "Okay, okay. I'll have to talk to Ms. Jonet to see if she can give you a pass the next time you run over the bell. But, I'm afraid if you're  tardy for one more time, you're going to have to go to detention."

Phew! I thought I was going to get points taken off my assignments for something, I can handle detention. I've never had a detention but they don't seem like they'd be that bad, at least I'll be able to do my homework. "Okay, so sorry again. I'll make sure I'm not tardy anymore. Thanks Mr. Hardaway!"

He seems confused that I wasn't discouraged at the mention of detention but says, "Of course, enjoy your lunch."

I smile and turn to walk out into the hall. I see Mari leaning against the lockers, as well as a few more stray kids getting to their classes. "What was that all about?" She asks, sounding bored.

"Oh, he just said if I'm tardy again I'll have to go in for detention, but I don't mind either way." I glance at her and see she's grinning.

"Wow, little miss smarty pants finally gets in trouble. How long has it been? Oh yeah, your whole 16 years of life!" She makes large gestures with her hands as she practically yells for the whole school the hear.

"Shut it! It's not a big deal, besides I didn't even get detention. You could say it was just a threat."

"That's exactly what you say," she smirks at me over her shoulder, she practically started running when I told her and now she's a few steps ahead.

"I can actually punch you if you really want," a malicious smile spreads across my face as I raise my fist and run after her.

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