Chapter two- cristmas

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Chapter two- *christmas*
*mike wakes up and get dressed*
El: your up early
Mike: sorry did i wake you up
El: no i've been up for a while
Mike: are you ok?
El: yeah, i just had a weird dream last night, im fine
Mike: oh well if you need anything just tell me
*they go downstairs to get breakfast and open presents*
Nancy: i love that ring el, where did you get it
El: mike got it for me
Nancy: OoOoOoOoOoO
Mike: shut it nancy
Nancy: What's it for?
Mike: it's a promise ring
Nancy: ok thats sweet
*they all eat dinner*
Mike: mom come here for a second
Karen: whats up mike
Mike: Would el bebale to move in?
Karen: well i don't think it would be a issue as long as joyce is ok with it
Mike: wait really?!
Karen: yeah, i dont get why she couldn't
*mike hugs her and runs upstairs*
El: wait what, REALLY
Mike: my mom said she doesn't think it would be a issue as long as joyce says yes
*el hugs mike*
El: that's great mike
Mike: shoot its 5:58, everyones going to be here in a second to watch a movie, put pajamas on real quick
El: i don't really have any, i sleep in my clothes
Mike: here uh take my shirt and sweatpants they might be a little big but they will work
*they get changed and go downstairs as soon as everyone arrives*
Max: merrychristmas mike
*el and will come out the door*
Lucus: wait what oh my god guys
*Max hugs everyone as a group*
El: max guess what
Max: oh no, what
El: i'm moving in with mike
*they all go to the basement*
Mike: ok there's a movie going and food on the table, oh and uh merry christmas guys
Lucus: will when do you and jonathan leave
Will: tomorrow afternoon, jonathan has to work tomorrow night
Mike: that sucks, you should really visit more
Will: i wish i could *laughs*
Max: that sucks for nancy that he cant stay longer
Mike: nancy is actually going to spend 2 weeks at there house so she's leaving tomorrow and that's partly why el is staying here because there's only 3 seats that work in there car and will nancy and jonathan are using them
Dustin: thats cool, well welcome home guys
El: it's good to be back
Max: Do you think you're going to do school?
El: i mean maybe, i didn't really think of that now that i'm moving in
Lucus: well you have about a week to think about it before school starts back up after the new year
Mike: yeah we just need a answer by a week so my mom can call the school
El: ok
*they watch a movie*
Max: well i have to get going i have to go to my grandparents in the morning, i'll see you soon guys.  Goodluck driving back will
Dustin: same my mom wants me home by 11, it was nice seeing everyone.  Come back soon will
Will: bye guys
*max and dustin leave*
Lucas: woah woah woah why does el have a diamond ring on
Mike: it's a promise ring
Lucas: ohhh i thought you proposed to her
Mike: were to young for that
Lucas: Well then, congrats?
*will laughs*
Lucas: Well Merry Christmas, my mom just pulled up.  See ya will, by guys
*lucas leaves*
El: that was fun
Will: yeah it was, i miss it here.  I'll come back someday when i'm older and maybe live here again
Mike: i hope so, well i'm going to head upstairs
El: same, see you tomorrow will
*they walk upstairs*
*mike sits on the bed*
Mike: well merry christmas
El: same to you, it was nice spending it with a family for once
Mike: well i'm glad you enjoyed it, it sucks that will has to leave so soon, maybe he can come back soon
El: that would be fun
Mike: goodnight i love you el
El: i love you to
*they fall asleep*

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