Quantum leap chapter 2

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Part 2

Sam couldn't believe it he was looking at Al in person Sam thought to himself.

"am I home?"

He looked at his name tag on his top pocket that read

"Dr Sam Beckett"

He thought to himself again

"had I leaped out?..... Why would I leap?"

Then he didn't care who's body he was in he said out loud

"am home"

He ran up to Al and hugged him

Al was looking really uncomfortable and said

"is everything OK buddy"

Sam looked at Al and said

"its really you Al not hologram you"

Al looking deeply confused and the head programmer watching the whole scene with interest said to sam

"is everything OK Dr beckett?"

Sam says

"everything is good"

Sam started to run down the corridor and he ran straight to his office opening the door and stepping inside the moment he stepped into the office their was a mirror on the wall Sam looked at himself in the mirror and he saw himself looking back from the looking glass.

He noticed he had a little bit of white hair in his hair and he started to touch his own face and he said out loud to himself.

"its me, it's me"

After the shock of being home he started to do a little bit of detective work he sat down in his own chair in his own office turned the computer on and found out after a few minutes of research even tho the year was 1999 for the past five years Sam had not been leaping from life to life the reason of losing funding to prove his research had not occurred in this time line, in his time line Sam got has money straight away and for the past five years he had been working on reports and improving the technology to make the time machine work even better.

He almost didn't believe what he was reading it was like he had leaped into a different version of himself. A another Sam from another universe suddenly without warning as he sat up out of the chair zoltar was against the wall of the office Sam walked towards it slowly and said out loud.

"how can you be here?"

As soon as he walked up to zoltar, zoltar eyes glowed red and flashed then at the very same moment Sam could hear the imaging chamber door open and when Sam turned around Sam was back on the pier and he was in the fair ground again and after a few more taps of the hand link Sam was just looking at his holographic friend from the future.

End of part 2

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