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These rules are reasonable and just to ensure nothing gets out of hand

1) Have fun!
After all, this is a book to promote, experience and discover new books! So just enjoy it.

2) Specify genre
Please be specific with your genre as it is easier for people to know what they are specifically reading

3) Please specify if your book is mature or not and why

4) Please tag your friends
Tag as many people as possible as this will increase the views on this book ensuring more possibility of your book getting noticed

5) Be kind and respect everyone

6) Fill out the form entirely
This will ensure the reader has a lot of information which can encourage them to want to read more

7) Password
On the form there will be a password that you need to film in. This password is from this chapter. This ensures people have read the rules and not just overlooked them.

The password is: your favourite animal

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