Start from the beginning

Muzan watched as her eyes stared out at the scenery in front of her. Thick woods covering the area around them after making their way away from the village. The sun was going to be rising soon, and neither of them needed any unnecessary death.

"He's been killing as normal?"

"Yes, even more actually"

The demon was more than happy to hear that. Being only a step closer to getting rid of the disgusting humanity that lay in front of them. Keeping the world from being what it truly could be.

He fully understood why Rui would be in the mood that he is. That being presented to him time and time again when he tried to fetch the girl.

"If he doesn't learn to behave he will end up dead"

Muzan's words cut deep into the demon. She knew that he wasn't lying, in fact he was telling her the painful truth that she didn't want to hear. Being calm and collected was a reason this man had been alive and able to stay that way for so long.

Rui on the other hand seems to completely contrast him in certain situations. The demon boy only being lucky that no other Hashira has tried to come up to the mountain yet. If one did the consequences might be deadly for him and the family.

"I will keep him in check"

"No, you will not"

The female demon turned to the male, questions lingering in her mind as to what he meant by that. Feeling a bit fearful of the fact that Muzan might not let her go back to the boy. If she wasn't able to go back his emotions would surely consume him.

"Rui is a lower moon, he doesn't need you by his side. It's only the craving that you are letting him continue to feel. Therefore I must sever it here"

His words sounded like the boys that night. When he killed both his mother and father, Muzan knew that too. Talking about 'severing' the ties that the two of them had together. Those being the strongest the spider demon had.

The red eyed male knew that too, this plan could go one of two ways. It was either going to be an empowerment moves towards the underling. That he would fight even harder and kill more in order to try and show the male that he was fine with or without her.

Or, it would end up in disaster. His emotions that he still held onto would consume him whole. Forcing him to go insane without the bond he tried so hard to keep by his side. Ending up dead without being able to see the demoness every again.

"That's a risky move, Master"

"I know and I'm willing to take it. If he can't fend by himself he is useless to me"

The female nodded, knowing her words were of no use to try and fight him about his wishes. At the end of the day the demon was right. It was his own choice for who was a demon and who wasn't, she was lucky to have the option to make them.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ( KNY )Where stories live. Discover now