Be Proper

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"Wake up Lucy! I'm tired of having to do this why can't you just wake yourself up!" My mother reprimanded me as I fluttered my eyes open.
I covered my eyes with my hand as the light shined right on me from the ceiling.
"Get up! Your father has some very important stuff to do & I have my own!" She shouted again. I looked at my alarm clock that read 8:32am as I slung my legs over the side of the bed & stood up.
"Put on your clothes & go get breakfast." Mother said sternly before walking out of my room & shutting the door behind her.
I opened a drawer to my dresser & pulled out a light pink skirt & a black tank top. I put on the clothes as I shut off my light & walked downstairs to get something to eat. Mother was counting her cash from her wallet at the table while father was sitting at his desk in the living room writing on some papers. I knew better than to even glimpse at what they were doing cause last time my father slapped me so hard I fell.
"What in the name of money are you wearing?" Mother shouted at me before standing up & giving me a look of disappointment.
"Haven't I taught you how to match your clothes? How to tuck in your shirt? How to brush your blonde curls? To even lace up your shoes? No wonder you must go to a private school you can't even complete simple tasks!" Mother fired back before grabbing my wrist & dragging me upstairs to my room. She opened the drawer & pulled out a long, jewel covered, flowing red dress & some shiny black shoes with a red hair ribbon.
"Put on this dress & the shoes now! Then brush your hair as I showed you & tie the ribbon like I demonstrated many times!" Mother demanded before walking out & going back downstairs. I stared at the dress & the shoes like they were going to put themselves on me before I snapped out of it & began dressing.
When I finished I walked back downstairs where my mother was putting on red wine lipstick & father was still doing work stuff.
"Better?" I asked with a small smile. She looked at me & shook her head.
"It's better than before. But you'll never be good at fashion I hope you know that." Mother said laughing to herself.
"I understand." I replied back with no emotion because I didn't care about fashion anyways. A simple t-shirt & shorts was fine with me.
"Why must I look this way? Put all this hard work into my appearance?" I asked for the 100th time.
Mother rolled her eyes.
"You're a young lady! Young ladies must always look proper & be polite & well dressed. You must always walked, sit, eat, sleep, & breathe as if you were a princess!" She shouted before applying more lipstick.
"But not every girl is like a princess." I stated as mother placed the cap on her lipstick & threw it in her purse.
"I don't care about those other girls! You are a Caswell & Caswell women are above everyone else! They are the best of the best! Rich, beautiful, luxurious, & proper! Now get your backpack & go get in the car!" Mother shouted. Why do I have to be above everyone else? What's the award for that? I'd rather be like everyone else if it meant I wouldn't be in this family anymore.

I was waiting in the car with my beautiful white, rhinestone covered, single pocket backpack & the white Michael Kor's purse my mother demanded I must have. She opened the door & started the engine to our white Ferrari as she pulled out of the mansion driveway.
"What classes do you have today?" She asked me as she glared at me through the rear view mirror.
"Arithmetic, English, Culinary Arts, & Physical Education." I replied slow & proper as my mother always told me.
"Make sure that when you are in Physical Education you have your inhaler, perfume, deodorant, & water bottle." Mother ordered. Inhaler as in yes I have Asthma.
We pulled in the school parking lot as other girls walked in looking proper & fancy.
"Go. Be well behaved & remember you're a Caswell." My mother told me. That was my daily speech I got before school everyday. Being a Caswell meant nothing to me. It's just a name. A last name that belongs to a family that just so happens to be full of jerks & people who only care about their things. I grabbed my backpack & walked inside as I walked up the white shiny tiled steps to my first class; Arithmetic.

Arithmetic just ended & was pretty boring. Just the teacher Madam Martinez talking about how it's the most important class like usual before giving us some problems for the day.
I was walking in the hallway when I noticed some girls in the corner by the light pink lockers. One was wearing a light pink dress with a pink headband & white high heels, the other had a lavender dress with a purple headband & black laced boots, the last one had on a white dress, glossy white fur boots, & a pearl headband. Their eyes beamed at me as they were laughing about whatever before I continued to walk by them.
The one in white stopped me by stepping in front of me.
"Did your oh-so gorgeous Caswell family send you here with your disgusting red dress?" She said before laughing. Claudia Bell was her name. She was one of the most popular girls in the private school & loved knocking others down to feel better about herself. Her 2 sidekicks; Chelsie Ward the one in lavender & Melanie the one in light pink followed her around like rats chasing cheese. Claudia's father was always challenged by my father in business & never won either making the Bell Family & the Caswell Family having their own little war.
"Why do you go to a private school anyways? Oh don't actually belong here...your said to be rich mother is the principal & your daddy owns it." Claudia said before laughing some more. I felt the anger & rage come through me. It was something I had never felt before as I clenched my fist & glared at Claudia before taking my bottle of blue food coloring from my backpack's side pocket for Culinary Arts & threw it all on her! She screamed & cursed angrily as her sidekicks just dropped their jaws.
"Madam Martinez look what Lucy did to me!" She pleased as if she was innocent.
"Oh my! Lucy Caswell...principal office now!" She demanded as I walked to the principals office somehow feeling proud of what I did.

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