'Its Fine'

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2 years ago

Hi my names Mei! How are you my life is amazing i have a part time job at a café and i have my friends by my side supporting me though everything! Any i have everything I've ever wanted in my life, so lets skip to when I'm school.

At school

Mei's Pov:
My best friend waves to me then says "Hey Mei iwant to hang out after school?" And i said "Yes I'd love too!" So then i waljed to class and noticed something odd, there was a new student sitting on my chair then i asked why they were sitting there they told me i didn't derseve to sit there. I got upset i first but this is life and you have to deal with it so i went to sit in the spare seat and sighed.

After class

I walked up to my lunch table to see the new girl sitting right in my place with my best friend next to her and my boyfriend, i thought maybe its just today because she's new so i got my lunch tray and sat down at the end of a table full of people i dont know. They were having a conversation about some type of villians and heros thing but i couldn't be bothered to listen to them i mean villians and heros aren't real, Right? Straight before i got up my best fruend xame up to me and said " I'm sorry but i can't hang out after school something came up" So i said "Okay.." I'm guessing she's hanging out with the new girl but 'Its fine'

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