Chapter 24-Slam Shut

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Time, such is the consent that we have to obtain some kind of hold on this living world, time tells us when to rise, when to sleep, when to expect, when to smile, when to cry, when to ask questions, when to stay silent, it's a mutual understanding of knowing when it is or isn't a good time, time is always valuable and prescious to us, the amount of time we have to walk the earth was never our decision, we only have one life to spend time on, yet we always take it for granted, never really appreciating it. Always thinking we have forever, until it's too late, time is the only thing I could hold onto, one day, one single day I have been here, in the place called the Glade, while many of these boys have been here their whole lives, to them, I was nothing, just a dumb drop in their sea of knowledge, but today, time was the only thing that Ben did not have, time was what slowly passed away, to sundown, time was what will choke all of us in the Glade, experienced and newbies, we would all dread came at beautiful sundown. Birds sing in a tranquil harmony, singing loudly over the dense silence of the Glade, grateful to finally be heard, a soft wind brushes against our skin, playing like a child in our hair and clothes, the sun is just about to dip beneath the Walls, holding steadily over them, not wanting to say goodbye and let the dark night take over, but everyone saw the dark clouds swirling above, a sickening way of irony, a calm, still evening, the sickeningly perfect evening for a Banishment, I stand at the very back, arms folded and heart uneasy, Chuck to my right, standing with a miserable expression. Alby, Newt, Zart, Winston, Frypan, Hank, Aiden, and many others who's names I haven't quite grasped yet, all stand at the very front, Newt and Alby creating an opening in the half circle, waiting, the Maze Walls stand wide open, vulnerable to my eyes, I finally peer into the entrance, finding a dark envelope inviting all darkness into it, the only thing visible was a single stretch into the Maze, nothing else revealing itself, all boys hold this sort of stick in their hands, long, standing high above their heads, at the end was another stick. Tied securely at the top, it reminded me much of the garden hoes Thomas was using before this, upon hearing the pitiful begs of Ben, I turn his way, finding his hands bonded above his head and a unfamiliar boy pushing him, keeping the boy walking as Ben thrashes and begs futilely, the boy looked rather unique, much like Newt's accent, skin holding this special tan to it, the boy looked to be a little older than myself and Thomas, biceps bulging in build, his short sleeved, blue shirt doing nothing to hide his powerful physique. And his legs, they looked as if they were forged by the very Creators to run, short, black hair spikes on his head, having no chance of ever touching his forehead, dark brown eyes holding a grave look to it, he seemed much like the aggressive type, a deep eyes boy with a build so phenomenal, no one would ever stand a chance, hearing Ben's cries I am snapped harshly back into depressing reality, I watch silently, with sorrowful eyes, while the rest watch with such blank stares it made me sick "Alby, please" Ben struggles in a low, menacing growl as he walks by them. The unknown boy sets Ben down on his knees as Alby and Newt close the half circle, poles standing high, the boy slashes at Ben with his knife, a quick, unhesitant swipe that made me think the worst, but it only but the tops binding Ben, with the freedom, Ben's arms plant on the ground as he pukes up this nasty liquid that strongly resembled tar or ink, bile thrashes in my throat, finally getting a breath to breathe, he starts to sob, not containing his shaking shoulders or begs, the boy looks to Alby, uncertain. Alby nods, sealing Ben's fate, the unfamiliar boy throws a bag into the Maze, so far in it lads beyond the doors, a clank sounds, one so strong one would recognize it as the roar of the Maze, Thomas takes a daring step forward, watching wit curious eyes, I do the same, Ben tries to vainly scramble away from the entrance of the Maze "poles!" Alby orders, voice loud as it wasn't covered by the scrape of the Maze Walls coming to a close, with the order, all the boys with pole lower their poles, the buts of the poles blocking Ben from freedom. Tension fills the air as they all stiffen their holds on their poles, ensuring no escape, seeing movement to my right, I look away, finding Chuck leaving the scene, I show confusion to his back, but face back towards the Banishment, Ben finally rises from the ground, looking around the half circle with pleading eyes, they all ignore him, unmerciful "move in" Gally orders, they all start to slowly push forward, almost like some sick version of a blockade, Ben weakly tries to push against them, not wanting to get banished, but his attempt is vain. He begs over and over again, my eyes watching in horror as I realize their plan for him, they are sending him to the Maze, I tell myself, Thomas moves forward as I step back, not believing what I was seeing, the boys on the side don't move, allowing Alby, Newt, Gally, Zart, Frypan and Winston to move forward and push him into the Maze, their poles push further and further, only rising up to grant passage when he is beyond the closing walls "NO!" This is the last thing we will ever hear from him again, for the doors slam shut.

Author's info- Hello reader! BOOM! Another good chapter and cliffhanger! Man this book is getting really good right now, so, you all probably, most likely know what is going on already in this scene, but hey, at least you can see it from my point of view! This is what I thought when I first saw the movie, I just wanted to create that same feel for Rose, that way any new comers for the movie feel this too! Man, I am loving this book already! I can't wait to see what happens next, and don't worry, I said I was going to stay with the original storyline, but, I will add some of my own stuff! A little fluff, innocence, and more! I hope you guys are loving this book! Please share it if you want to! I would love this book to blow up, for one, it is a nice change in pace, two, it has a slow, rising setting and will surely hit that good climax soon, but not too soon, and three, I am changing things up for what I want them to be, without changing most of the storyline! Keep reading, the next chapters are going to be a thriller ride for you guys! Hope you are all staying healthy and safe! I love all my reader and supportive followers! Anyway, what do you guys think of Thomas and Rose? Or should I say Rose and Newt?(wink, wink) anyway, better stop giving spoilers, lmbo, see you guys next chapter, fasten those seatbelts, things are about to get crazy! Later reader!

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