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Over the next two weeks, Damien and Dale got along okay. I only had to break up one fight between them. But Dale and I were both starting to get a little annoyed with his antics. Damien was looking for an apartment, but nothing was ever good enough. There was always some nit to pick.

Dale was also getting very frustrated in bed. I didn't want to make love with Damien in the house. It weirded me out. So we'd do it in the shower, or I'd give him a blowjob. We did make love properly in our bed a couple of times when I got Damien to go to the gym.

After four weeks in our home, I decided that I needed to tell Damien it was time to go.

It was a Saturday and I had to go in to work. I decided that I'd only work a half day. I wanted go home and make a nice dinner and let him down easy. I quickly finished what I needed to get done, then I stopped by the grocery store.

When I walked in the door, I froze in my tracks.

Damien and Dale were on the couch. Damien was completely naked. His head was thrown back as he rode up and down on Dale's cock. Dale's shirt was unbuttoned and his pants were still around his ankles. He was gripping Damien's waist and was thrusting his hips up into him. Both of them were so caught up in each other that they didn't notice me standing there.

The grocery bags came crashing down to the floor. Damien looked up and gasped in horror.

Dale shoved Damien off him. He pulled the condom off his cock and bent down and scrambled to pull up his pants. "Babe... Babe, I'm sorry. It's not--"

"Mase, I'm so sorry," Damien cried as he pulled on his clothes.

I grabbed onto the wall as I was overcome. My body was wracked with sobs.

"How could you?!" I screamed. I wasn't even sure which one I was talking to.

Dale started to explain. "It just happened, babe--"

"Don't 'babe' me, you bastard!" I screamed.

I looked at Damien's crying face. I saw it in his eyes. This wasn't the first time.

"And you!" I screamed as tears poured down my cheeks. "You were my best friend. How could you, Dame? With my husband? I forgave you for Ted, but not Dale. I will never forgive you for this! Never!"

Damien fell to his knees and sobbed.

Dale tried to put his arms around me. "Come on, Mason. Calm down. Let's talk--"

I shoved Dale back as hard as I could. "Don't you fucking touch me! With Damien, of all people. You-- I--"

I was crying so hard that I couldn't continue. I pulled my wedding ring off my finger and dropped it onto the floor. I grabbed my keys and slammed the door behind me. I got into my car and sped out of the garage. I pulled over to the side of the road and parked. I cried until I had no tears.

I only had one place to go. I drove to Mom's house. She still lived in our little house in the suburbs. I sat in the driveway for the longest time. I saw Mom step out onto the porch. She came around opened the car door and pulled me out and hugged me. I grabbed on to her and I lost it. I bawled on her shoulder as she helped me into the house. She laid me down on the sofa and wrapped me in a knitted afghan. She sat next to me and softly stroked my hair.

"Damien and Dale have been calling for you," she said quietly.

"They can both go to hell," I spat.

"What happened, honey?"

"I walked in on them... Having sex."

Mom gasped. "Oh, no."

"And it wasn't the first time. How could they, Mom? How?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and sobbed.

"Shh... It'll be okay," she said as she hugged me tight.

"How, Mom? How will it be okay? I just lost both my best friend and my husband."

"You don't mean that. Maybe--"

"Yes, I do. I don't ever want to see either one of them ever again!"

I wiped my face with my hands and ran my forearm across my nose.

"I'm gonna go take a nap," I said.

"Your room's all made up."

Mom sniffled and wiped the tears from her cheeks and I gave her a tight hug.

I got up and went to my old bedroom and laid down and cried myself to sleep.


Dale and Damien called me incessantly over the next day. I finally answered Dale's call Sunday evening.

"Stop calling me," I said.

"Mason! Please, don't hang up. Baby, I am so sorry. Please, just talk to me."

I could tell he was crying and it broke my heart. Dale was so strong. He never cried.

"Mason," he cried. "Babe... Please come home. We can work things out. I love you."

"I can't, Dale. I can't get the image of you making love to Damien out of my head."

"We weren't making love. It was just a f--. He seduced me. Look, it doesn't matter. We can go to a therapist, whatever it takes."

"It matters to me, Dale! You had lube and condoms. You were obviously prepared to cheat. It wasn't the first time, was it?"

The silence on the phone was deafening.

Dale finally spoke so quietly I could barely hear him. "No."

"How many times?"

"Babe, don't."

"How many?!" I screamed.

"I don't know."

"How long have the two of you been...?"

More silence. My stomach flipped. I hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom and fell onto the floor. I barely made it as my lunch heaved into the porcelain bowl.

After I cleaned myself up, I returned to my room. I picked up my ringing cell phone and turned it off.


Monday morning I called in to work and took the day off. While Dale and Damien were at work, I went and packed up as much of my things as I could fit into my car. I drove back to Mom's house and threw everything into a pile in my bedroom.

Over the next week, Dale kept calling and leaving me messages at least twice a day. Sometimes I'd listen to them, sometimes I'd just go ahead delete them. Damien's calls finally tapered off.

Lew even called me once. He had called me at work, and it caught me off guard. He told me that Dale was miserable. He had thrown Damien out of the house and he wanted me to come home. I told Lew to tell Dale to go to hell.

I looked into filing for divorce and it was going to be a nightmare. Since our marriage wasn't recognized by Michigan, we'd have to go through the Massachusetts family court.

I wasn't sleeping well. Every night I would lay in bed pouring over the details of our life. Wondering what I did wrong that he would want to fuck Damien instead of me. Wondering how long they had been fucking behind my back.

By the next week, I was finally starting to snap out of my funk. At least I stopped crying. Dale's calls tapered off as well.

I'd go to work every day, then drive back to my mom's house. We'd have dinner and watch TV until it was time to go to bed.

I'd sometimes catch her looking at me with sympathy. Sometimes, she'd come up to me and hug me for no reason.

Betrayal and Moving OnWhere stories live. Discover now