"I've known you my whole life." His deep clam voice relaxes any inner anxieties that she had. " I will always believe you over anyone, no matter what." Zayden's words bring the girl a breath of fresh air. The girl feels as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, knowing that her childhood friend will stand by her side, has put her at peaceful ease. "I promise you Amara." Amara winces at her name,the sound of it causing her to quickly scan the civilians on the ship. Her green eyes watching closely, making sure no one is listening. There are spies everywhere, no risks can be taken, not when involving her true identity.

"If you value your position and life." Amara draws her eyes back to Zayden, making sure she looks at him with nothing but seriousness . "You will never speak my name out loud again." Amara's tone is deathly serious. She knows if he ever spoke it to the wrong person that it could put him in danger. He could be labeled as a traitor to his country and stripped of his titles, or worse executed for treason. Caption Zayden gazes at the girl he grew up with, and nods his head understanding completely. Amara would prefer her only friend alive and not burned to death. She will need everyone she can get, especially someone on the inside. She knows from this moment on friends will rarely come her way, and anyone new cannot be trusted no matter what. From the moment Amara leaves this ship she knows that she will be alone, at least until she can find the one she will be searching for. Even then she will be at danger's doorstep, his ship will be the first they search that's guaranteed; but she has to see him even if it's only for a moment. Even if she must watch him for afar.

"They could kill you." She says but Zayden shrugs his muscular shoulders, the dark armor rattling, as a smug smile is still plastered upon his face. He looks down at his friend. A friend that he has watched over for many years. One he knows no matter what, she's worth trusting. He's willing to risk it all to see her safe. To know that she's free.

"They could, but right now you're more important." The girl quickly turns away, facing the land as the ship slowly comes closer, her time with her friend drawing to an inevitable end. "Besides when your brother finds out what happened, and who did this to you." Zayden pauses as he takes a deep breath in, his mind racing with a sudden rage that causes him to dig his nails deeply into the palm of his hand. He knows for the sake of everyone on this ship, he must keep his emotions composed. "I'd be dead for not helping." Her stomach sickens at the thought of the past two years. She remembers every single day, and she always will. Those memories will forever scar the deepest parts of her mind.

Amara watches as the large civilian transport as it comes to a stop at the dock of a local fishermen market. One too close for comfort to the fire Nation itself, most likely the first place they will begin their hunt. Yet it is one small melting pot, people dressed in all sorts of different clothing from different areas of the world. Some tunics of dark red, others light and dark green. Venders line the streets, their hands waving and welcoming friendly smiles upon their happy faces, as they desperately try to con customers to stop by their shops. Selling fresh goods and livestock from their nearby farms, but overall fish and fish. As many different fish as the mind could wonder, all fresh from the salty ocean beneath the civilian transport.

A bell is rung and Amara sighs knowing her time with Zayden is quickly coming to an end as the large crowd on the ship begins to move around, readying themselves to leave. Zayden deeply looks into her eyes one last time, his smugness fading away as he becomes very serious.

"Stay clear of major cities and stay off the main trading routes, your name and face will be flooding the streets within a day, if not hours!" His voice causes Amara's heart to freeze in anticipation. There's no time, she must be on her way out of this town as soon as she leaves this ship! There is no time to spare for the young girl, not if she wishes to live. "The last news I heard of his location was in the south pole." Her heart skips a beat and eyes begin to shimmer with hope. She understands where she must go, and the routes she must take. So Amara nods her head at her dear friend and the man who helped her through so much.

The Lost DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora