She nodded silently and pulled away from me, smiling sadly. I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. "I'll be back tonight, alright?" I said as I moved away from her.

"Alright. Please stay safe. I don't really like hearing that my wife has been shot from a random doctor in some random state."

I smiled. "I'll try not to get shot, just for you. I love you babe."

She watched with a sad smile as I left our apartment.

Morgan's POV
I had already been in the office for an hour or so when I first noticed her.

The woman had long, curly blonde hair and a confident stride. She walked with her head up and shoulders back, and me and Davis, who I had previously been talking to, stared as she walked straight to Hotch's office.

"Who's that?" Davis wondered out loud. Truthfully, I knew it was Hotch's replacement for Heather. After the whole encounter with her pointing a gun to Hotch's head a week ago, Hotch knew she wouldn't be ready to come back into the office for a while.

"I think the director is suspending Collins until she gets better, so that's her replacement." I explained, annoyed. I didn't like that they were just replacing Heather. She's not replaceable. And I already could tell this new girl was arrogant, just by the way she walked. Davis and I watched as she sat down in one of the chairs in Hotch's office and the two conversed.

I could hear Prentiss walking by, clearly her by the sound and weight of her footsteps. Prentiss had a more certain stride to her. She was confident, but not too confident to make her arrogant. Not like this new girl. "Who's that?" She asked, stopping and staring at the woman and Hotch.

"I dunno, but at least I won't be the newest guy anymore. Hopefully Garcia will finally stop calling me 'the new kid on the block'." Davis said, leaning forward to try and see the two in the office better.

"Hey Davis, you can read lips, right?" I asked, looking at the man beside me.

"Yeah, you want me to translate?" He asked with a smirk. He seemed to be happy to translate, finally putting his skill to good use.

"Ooh, yeah! What are they saying?" Prentiss sat down on the side of my desk next to Davis, a little closer then socially acceptable. I chuckled quietly and shook my head. It was bound to happen eventually.

"Okay, so if I can tell correctly-" Davis narrowed his eyes to get a better look. "Hotch is saying something about Collins. I think he's saying 'Collins might not come back for a while, so if you can't stay long term then this might not be the job for you'." Davis spoke slowly. "So she is her replacement."

"What's her name?" I asked, feeling more annoyed now that I knew for sure she was Heather's replacement. Reid couldn't be replaced, but at least Davis knew that and in no way tried to copy Reid or what he did. He didn't try to be 'the new Reid' and was sure to tell everyone he didn't want to copy him. I could tell just from body language that she was trying to be 'the new Heather'.

"I'm not sure, he hasn't- wait, he called her Agent Gray." Davis replied. Suddenly, Hotch looked out into the bullpen to see us all staring into the office. Quickly, we all looked away as we tried to act natural, but we knew we had been caught. Hotch rolled his eyes and walked over to the window, pulling the blinds so we couldn't see.

"Damn." I said in defeat. "Well, one things for sure, I don't like this 'Agent Gray' woman."

Prentiss turned to face me curiously. "Why not?"

"She's arrogant. Just the way that she walks, presents herself, she has an inflated ego. She probably has a victim mentality." I replied, eyes glued to the blinds of Hotch's office.

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