Chapter Three

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Monday, one week after funeral

Collins' POV
Silence consumed me. It was as if some sort of black mist settled on my chest and leaked into my skin, taking control over my body. Or a puppeteer had tied strings to my limbs and was controlling my every move. But right now, the puppeteer had set the controls down and was just watching me, watching me lie here in my pain.

The tree branches above me swayed softly, and the only actual noise I could hear was the wind, apart from people talking from across the cemetery.

It was actually quite peaceful, the silence. The silence and the comfort of knowing my best friend was right next to me. The grass underneath me was soft, but pointy at the same time. Enough so that it was uncomfortable to lie in it, but not enough to make me get up. No, I would not get up.

I heard footsteps approaching me, but I didn't bother to look at who it was. The quiet but confident footstep pattern already told me who it was.

Rossi stood next to me, looking down at my pitiful self. I didn't look back at him, avoiding eye contact. He stood there for a moment, thinking, before bending over and lying next to me on the grass. He wore a nice black suit, which would get grass all over it since he was lying in the grass. He just stared at the sky, quietly.

I wouldn't say it, but I was glad he was here. I knew he was here to bring me to work, but it was nice to have company. I knew either JJ or Hotch sent Rossi. They knew Rossi's effect on me. He's like the dad I never had. I was here all of last night, and the silence that consumed me was deadly. It left me to my thoughts. And nothing is as scary as one's own thoughts.

We lied there, silently, for a while. I wasn't sure how long. I'm sure Reid could tell me. He was always attentive like that. He could tell me exactly how many inches Antarctica was if I asked. I could almost hear his dorky, sweet voice spewing out some huge number in response.

But all I got was silence.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Rossi was the first to break the silence. He was here on a mission, to get me to work. But he wouldn't admit that.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was afraid that if I tried to speak, my vocal chords would fail me, just like my limbs failed me. I had been lying in the same spot for so long, I felt as if I couldn't move my body. If I tried hard enough, I could. But it felt so much better to stay still.

"JJ and Hotch had a fight this morning." He said quietly.

I sighed. Why would they fight? That's the last thing the team needs. Their team needs for them to be getting along. Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia. They all look up to Hotch and JJ. Reid wouldn't want them arguing.

Reid wouldn't want them arguing.

Now I was using Reid to make points. I had to stop doing that. Besides, I couldn't speak for him. I'm not him. But I was curious as to why JJ and Hotch, the most levelheaded people on the team, were arguing. So I took the bait. "What were they arguing about?"

Rossi looked at me, studying my facial expression, and returned his gaze to the sky. "Well, Strauss was saying Hotch needed to find a replacement for Reid by the time briefing rolled around. JJ didn't approve of who we picked."

"Who did you pick? Why didn't she like him?" It takes a lot to make JJ not like you. Well, actually, commit a crime and she won't like you. But an FBI agent? It takes a lot for JJ to not like you. JJ was the first person in the BAU who became my friend. She's one of the kindest people I knew.

"Joshua Davis, originally from Jethro Gibbs's unit. He seems to be uncomfortable around women, but he's smart. He could probably draw up a map in his sleep. That's why we let him join the team." Rossi explained. "JJ doesn't like how we're 'replacing' Reid so soon. She really misses him." He put air quotes around 'replacing'. And he's right. They weren't replacing Reid. Nobody could ever replace Reid.

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