Messages || SakuAtsu

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Sakusa was just cleaning up his dinner when he got the first text from Atsumu. Yeah, sure, it was a casual text, but he couldn't help the feeling in his stomach as he read Atsumu's name. Butterflies. After thoroughly scrubbing the dishes clean, drying them and putting them up, Sakusa dried off his own hands and grabbed his phone, checking the messages. He had gotten tons by Atsumu, as he liked to double text.. then triple text when he didn't get an answer.. then he slowly wanted more and more attention until eventually, Sakusa had 20 missed messages. He clicked the contact and looked through the messages.

》You're not ignoring me, are ya?

And multiple other messages like that. Atsumu was in the middle of typing another complaint before Sakusa typed a response.

《I was eating dinner. What is it?
》Can we call??
》I'm lonely!!
》And cold.
》And you don't want me to be lonely do you??
《Calling me won't make you any warmer, Miya.
》Sure it willl!!
》Your voice is warm!
《That's weird. And impossible.Atsumu was typing out another response, but Sakusa turned his phone off and decided to move to his bedroom to get more comfortable.

After laying down on his side, Sakusa turned his phone on. 9 missed messages. He rolled his eyes internally and opened the contact again, not bothering to check the messages before pressing the call button. It rang for a few seconds before suddenly, he heard Atsumu's voice.

"Omi-kun!! Ya kill me a lil' bit when you don't respond t' my texts." Atsumu ended the sentence with a small whine, the pout on his face practically audible. Cute.

"I told you, I was eating. Why did you want to call? And make it quick, I've still got to shower before I go to sleep." Sakusa replied, successfully hiding the small smile on his face.

"Oh., uh., I dunno., just., um., wanted to hear your voice.,?"

"Miya, what did you do?" Sakusa's eyes squinted at the wall in front of him, as if he were calculating Atsumu's plan.

"Mmh., Uh., Nothin'..! I told ya, I'm cold, a-and lonely.," That definitely wasn't the answer.  He could hear something in Atsumu's voice, almost like he was hinting at something..

"Then you should go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"No..!~ O-Omi-kun, please don't hang up." Then, suddenly, a light flickered in Sakusa's head, the gears slowly turning in his head.

"Miya, where are your hands?" He replied slowly, cautiously.

There was a sound of ruffling on the other side of the end of the line, a quiet squeak from Atsumu, along with a response.

"Omi-Omi., I can't stop thinkin' about ya." Atsumu's voice came out as barely a whisper, Sakusa had to focus to understand what he said. But, as soon as he did, his eyes widened in shock as a smirk tugged at his lips."Atsumu," Sakusa's voice had dropped at least three octaves, almost a low growl at this point. "Are you touching yourself?"

"Maybe.." Atsumu trailed off, a breathy moan slipping past his lips and into the microphone. "Doesn't feel as good as when you do it, Omi-kun."

Sakusa couldn't help but lowering his own hands, carefully pressing the heel of his palm to the growing tent in his pants.

"Where are you touching yourself, Atsumu?" Sakusa's tongue poked out of his mouth to lick his lips, which were getting particularly dry now. "Front or back?"


"I asked a question, Miya. Don't push it. Front or back?"

There was a moment of silence, most likely Atsumu debating if they were really about to do this, before he replied, "Both." Atsumu answered with a trembling voice, letting another moan slip past his lips and into the air."Both? I don't remember giving you permission to touch either, goldie." (alex, I really like that pet name ty)

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