Ua entrance exam!

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Izuku prov~.

As I was walking up to the school people where starring at me and whispering to there friends. It's pissing me off. As I was getting distracted I managed to tripped but quickly saved myself by doing a backflip. People began to look my way again as I flipped them off. I walk off into the large stadium as more people started to fill in the seats and get louder by the second, they quickly become silent as the pro hero precent mic begins to talk.

Time skip ~
3rd person prov~

The sirens rang as people rush into the fake city. Deku got a head start by leaping forward faster then most people and started to destroy all and any robots in his way. It was around a quarter way through when he had reached 700 points.
Deku stood on the large fake tower and found one of the several secret cameras, he won't to let the teacher know that he saw them by giving them a quick simple smile that dazzled his features. The teacher that watched on where stunned for him to find it's area but also know where it was pointed, most pro hero's couldn't find the invisible camera.
"hey do you see that green hair boy, he is the one who aced the written exam and has 700 point the highest anyone has gotten" said a certain mouse principal.
"Great a new problem child" sighed the tired pro hero
"It says here that he is quirkless and living alone in a building that is abandoned, also he has no guardian to take care of him." present mic chirped in.
This worried the teachers but they continued on watch others fight against the robots.
Remembering how many points the quirkless hero has, they realized that there wouldn't be any more points for other players, the teachers boomed through the speakers.
"midoriya izuku please stop destroying robots you have pasted the exam."
This made deku day shittier then it already was, all he wanted to do was kill few robots to take his anger out on. Well that is until he heard the large ground shaking steps of the zero pointer. He jump across each buildings roof tops getting close to the large robot. He felt his body shake as each step was taken. he watched on as people scramble on there feet to try run away, he laugh at how useless there where. Well until he saw a brown haired girl trapped under the rubble. He quickly jumped into action as the lager machine got too close to the girl for comfort. He jumped up to the beast head and gripped his hand back, flinging his body forward he punch it with his full force. Completely blowing it up, unlit it was only a pile of scraps.
The sirens echoed again as it announced the end of the practical exam, in the background you could hear screamed of happiness and sadness. deku walked up to the girl and throw the large scrap of remains off her, and carried the girl to recovery girl. She informed him that he could leave the brown haired girl in her hands as deku was leaving to head home.
He didn't really care about the girl anymore because he never like her to begin with. (she was too bubbly and was someone who stared at him while he was walking to school. Let's just say she didn't quite lift his spirits when he saw her. Ha...) Thinking up new song ideas as he went along. When he got home he saw a large box. No one new where he lived. He brought it in side and opened it up, it was the uniform of UA and school books for the year. He picked up the uniform to inspected it, I mean like how could he not it seemed sketchy as frick. Just then a letter fell out. When reading the letter he became more and more creeped out. Why wouldn't he be, it had things like;
"If you ever need us call us" with all the pro hero's phone numbers and "It fine if you live with me little one" or "problem child every thing will be fine if you move in with me" also "you don't need to worry anymore because we are here, my boy" and to top it off there was another box under the books that had custom gifts from each pro hero.
Deku was thrown into deeply into confusion  and put chills down his spine, he has never met these people in his life yet here they were asking him to live with them.

So ummm..... sorry for not posting for a while, I had home work
I hope you like it?
Oh and no the teachers are not sadistic they just feels sorry for the child
Thanks for the reading I will try post later

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