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Third person's POV

Eric brought Eunji to the hospital riding the ambulance. His hands were shaking and trying to calm down. He can't do anything, good thing there's another doctor in the ambulance.

He held her hand "P-Please, you need to survive, Eunji" he cried while looking at his sister's face "You need to be strong for Hyunjin. We need you. So, please be strong. Wake up"

Eunji is in critical state because she lost a lot of blood. Eric is still crying while looking at her sister. The doctor is trying to do his best so the patient will be fine before they arrive the hospital. They arrived at the hospital and brought Eunji to the emergency.

"You have to stay here. You can't go inside" doctor

"Do everything to save my sister. I'm begging you" Eric begged while crying

The doctor slowly nodded and went inside the emergency room. Eric is waiting outside the room praying that her sister will be fine. Min kyu came with Hyunjin, Chan, Jeongin and Jisung.

"Where is she?" Min kyu asked

Eric didn't answered and stayed quiet.  Hyunjin started crying blaming his self for what happened to Eunji.

"She will be fine" Jisung comforted

"E-Eunji is the only one I have. I-If something bad happened to her. I don't know what to do anymore" Eric cried

"Minho, Changbin, Felix and Seungmin are taking care of everything" Min kyu told Eric

Just like Eric, Hyunjin is hoping that Eunji will be fine. That the doctor will say Eunji is stable and just needs to rest. He closed his eyes and prayed for a thousand times, nonstop.

"She will be fine" Chan told Hyunjin

"I-If something happened to her. I will kill myself" Hyunjin

Min kyu stood up when Minho called him.

Minho calling...


[Hyunjin's Uncle will be sent to prison but his Aunt needs to be treated. They are going to bring her there]

"Hmm. Thank you"

[The two police are still unconscious but they will ask them later. We will go there after this. How is she?]

"No one, knows. She's still inside the emergency room"

[About Hyunjin's Aunt. I don't think she will survive until she arrive there. She was shot at her chest where her heart is. The doctors will have a hard time]

"I-I was supposed to be her at place"

[You mean-]

"Yes, she saved me"

[I see. Good thing you are not hurt. If you are injured make sure to tell the nurses to treat you. They will ask you for their investigation.]

"I will. Thank you" he ended the call and leaned on the wall

Min kyu thanked because he is not shot but guilty at the same time. She saved him and there's a possibility she will not survive.

"Min kyu? You should bring them home" Eric told him

"Yes, I will. Please update me whatever happens" Min kyu

"Be careful" Eric

Jeongin and Jisung said their goodbyes and left with Min kyu. He calmed his self before he drive since he drank and he was too nervous. As soon as he calmed down he started driving slowly.

"I hope she's fine" Jeongin

"Min kyu, how did you know about it?" Jisung

"H-Hyunjin's Aunt was the one I meet with, earlier. She told me she wants to surrender and she gave me their address where they are staying. At first I was suspicious with the sudden change of mind. I told myself I will give the address to the police tomorrow. But she called me earlier, she told me her husband is planning something to Eunji. She was the one who called the police. I tried to enter the bar but the bouncers are stopping me. I can't contact you all since your phones are turned off. Luckily, Minho's phone is on and he answered my call. I went there, the two police were unconscious, Eunji is lying down on the floor while blood flowing from her body. I ran to her but Hyunjin's Uncle came and try to shot me. Hyunjin's Aunt saved me and covered me. She was shot instead of me" Min kyu explained

"That means she's really serious about what she told you? She really wants to surrender?" Jisung

"Yeah" Min kyu parked the car in front of Jeongin's house "Take care. Make sure not to leave your wife"

Jeongin nodded and got out of the car. Min kyu drove to Jisung's house while talking about what happened.

"I think Eunji lost a lot of blood" Jisung

"She did" Min kyu answered

"Hyunjin was supposed to be the target but Eunji was the one he saw there" Jisung

"No, he is also targetting those who are close to Hyunjin" Min kyu

"You mean, we are also in danger?" Jisung

"Yes, but we are safe now. He is caught and he is now in the prison. But we still have to be careful. The police are going to stay and guard us all" Min kyu

"I see" Jisung

"I hope she is fine" Min kyu

"She will be fine, knowing Eunji, she doesn't want everyone to worry about her" Jisung

"I'm also responsible for what happened. If only I told the police about it after I got the address. Eunji is safe right now. But I chose to stay quiet and just ignored about it. This is crazy" Min kyu

"No one wants this to happen. What matters right now is, everything's done now. Hyunjin's parents' and Areum's death will have justice" Jisung

"Yeah, I agree. I just hope Eunji will be fine tomorrow. She needs to be okay" Min kyu

"Let Jiwon's Mom sleep at you house" Jisung

"Yeah" Min kyu answered

He still blames his self for what happened to Eunji.

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