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Minsun's POV

What am I going to do with this empty diary? It doesn't even have one or two words. Why does he have a diary when is not writing on it? Like hello? Diary is supposed to be your rant buddy and promised buddy. And also, I am bothered why would he tell me to go home like I didn't took care of him. He is kinda annoying back there.




As we finished eating he went to his closet and gave me a shirt "Wear that"

"Why? I can go home wearing mine"

"Just change your shirt" Min kyu

"Tell me why"

"Because you are sweating" Min kyu

"Ah, it's fine"

"Change your shirt. You took care of me" Min kyu said and sat on the couch

I went inside his bathroom and changed my shirt quickly. I looked at myself and arranged my hair. I went outside and he is staring at me. He is now looking at the balcony while his hand are in his pocket.


He slowly walked towards me and pinned me on the wall "Don't you really remember me? Or you just want to forget about me?"

"W-What are you saying?"

He kissed me passionately but I don't know why I kissed back. He let go of our kiss first and stared at me for a couple of seconds and kissed me again. He slowly guided me to his bed and continued kissing me passionately. He took off his shirt and kissed me again. Why am I kissing him back? No! Stop!!!! I let go and I slapped him so hard. Even I was shocked that I slapped him.

"Excuse me?" police 1 was shocked to see us "Sorry for interrupting"

"N-No! It's not what you think, Sir!" I said

Min kyu just smirked at me "What is it?" 

"I'm just going to tell you that we will go back outside" police 1

"Can you do me a favor?" 
Min kyu

"Sure" police 1 

"Can you send her home?" Woojin

"Noted" police 1 said and left the room

"I can go home alone" 

"You have to do what I want. He will send you home" 
Min kyu

"Do you think you can control me?" 

"I just did, Minsun" 
Min kyu


"I just controlled you perfectly" Min kyu

"You are such a pervert!" 

"No, I'm not. You kissed back, that means you also like it" 
Min kyu

"How dare you!"

"Don't worry I'm not going to do it without your permission" Min kyu

"As if I will let you!"

"As if you are going to say no. I hope you still remember how you followed my move without me saying anything" 
Min kyu

"Kim Min kyu!"

"Don't be mad. Just get ready. You have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow" 
Min kyu

"I'm not going here tomorrow!"

"Who says you will go here? I will go to you" 
Min kyu smirked and left the room

What was that? Why did he kissed me? For what?

End of Flashback

Fuck this. What am I supposed to do with this? I spent my hours looking for this and thinking about this yet it's empty. This is crazy. Argh!

"Minsun! Dinner is ready!" Haneul shouted

"I'll be there!"

"Make it fast! You didn't even ate lunch earlier" he shouted again

Why am I stressed about the diary? It's just a diary. Dumb ass. I went downstairs while frowning. I sat on the chair and started eating.

"Why is your face like that?" Haneul

"What's wrong?"

"You are frowning in front of the food. Why?" Haneul

"We're here!" Mom shouted as she entered the house with Dad

"The dinner is ready" Haneul said

Mom and Dad sat and started eating too.

"Is Min kyu okay?" Mom


"Why? What happened?" Dad

"He has fever last night and he is alone. Good thing Minsun went there and took care of him" Mom

"What? Minsun was there?" Haneul

"Yeah, she stayed the night with Min kyu" Mom

Haneul didn't answered and continued eating.

"So, what's your decision?" Dad

"Dad, let me think of it first. You just asked me recently" 

"I want to enroll you to a new school" Dad

"I see"

After eating dinner, Mom and Dad slept in their room. Haneul washed our dishes while I went to my room and checked the diary again. What am I supposed to do with you? This is bullshit. I spent my time looking for this and Min kyu got mad when he saw me looking for you. And you don't even have a single word inside you. 

Someone knocked on my door and opened "Hey, I brought you some watermelons" It's Haneul

He entered and put the watermelons on my side table.


"What's that?" Haneul 

"This is Min kyu's diary"

"Huh?" Haneul

"I saw this last time I went there, I am going to open it but Min kyu came so I quickly left it in his room. Then, last night, he was sleeping so I looked for this but I don't know where hi hid it. Min kyu asked if I am looking for the diary and he gave me this. He told me I can have this but it doesn't have any single words inside. I felt like I wasted my hours for this" 

"T-That's not Min kyu's" Haneul

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That's mine" Haneul

"What? How?"

"Remember when I came back here in Korea? I dropped that somewhere. I tried to find it but I-I can't" Haneul

"Really? So, this is yours? Why did he act like this is his diary? That dumb ass" 

Haneul just smiled.

"Wait- so we have the same diary? I see" 

"Anyway, I need to go" Haneul


"I am meeting with some friends" Haneul

"Ah! Okay. Take care!"

He smiled at me sadly "I will" and left my room

Min kyu lied to me! How dare he?! That damn chicken guy!

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