You? Why?”

“She doesn’t understand how I became…how I am,” I finished lamely.

Harry’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. “She doesn’t know you’re a vampire?

I shook my head, biting my lip.

“How does that happen?”

I laughed. “I’m messed up, Harry, you should know that by now. I get into a lot of shit. I guess that’s why my Father favours my brother over me.”



I blinked up at him.

“Brother? But aren’t you the only child?”

Draco shook his head, smiling sourly. “Oh, heavens no. I’m the second child. My brother – Damon – now, he’s the family favourite. Sadly he got messed up with the Dark Arts.”

“He was a Death Eater?”

Draco barked out a hard, harsh laugh. “Death Eaters look tame next to what he was doing, Harry. He was trying to find a way to overthrow Voldemort. He searched for the impossible – faeries, skincrawlers, the like. It messed him up bad – he turned insane. He went out all night, hunting with a group of friends – Crabbe and Goyle’s older brothers. Ironic, isn’t it?”

Draco turned silent, eyebrows bunched in the centre of his forehead. I touched them in an attempt to get him to smile. “You don’t have to go on if you don’t want to,” I told him, smiling a little.

He shook his head and took my hand away, pressing my palm briefly to his lips before continuing.

“He hunted every night. He never found anything, but that didn’t stop him. Mother and Father were always worried about him though, and Father – he has a frightful temper. He was always so angry – he didn’t understand why Damon was always out so late with Austin and Jason – Crabbe and Goyle’s brothers – and he hated them for it. Their families aren’t on the higher end of society, you see, and Father viewed them as scum. He didn’t want any son of his to be seen around hooligans like them. Damon didn’t care for Father’s petty regards, which pissed Father off even more. And since Damon wasn’t there all the time to take the hits, I was usually on Father’s receiving end. I was a punching bag, so to speak – quite literally too. Whenever Father got pissed at Damon, well…I was always conveniently nearby, so he had something to vent his anger out on.” Draco shook his head, fury knotting his brow. “I hated Damon then. I didn’t understand why he was so caught up on hunting. So I followed him out, one night. He didn’t hear me – I was very quiet. I followed them to their usual hunting spots, one in a meadow in the forests not too far from our mansion. For some reason, Damon was extremely excitable. I’ve read his journal; he’s been mentioning this new spot the three of them found, and he was pretty confident that they could catch something there. He wasn’t wrong.”

Draco closed his eyes. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, peering up at him. When he didn’t move or open his eyes, I craned my neck forward and pressed my lips tenderly to the flesh underneath his jaw. He opened his eyes and smiled down at me, eyes sparkling.

“Don’t tempt fate, Potter,” he purred, and I felt something stir in my groin. Ignoring the feeling, I placed kiss after kiss into his neck, hoping to get him to loosen up. My method worked – his breathing became laboured as he continued talking.

“He’d managed to find an opening, Harry – a place every single magical creature known to man would gather. Or be called upon. He even had a name for it – Hellmouth. I was there, I witnessed everything. All this time, I thought he was hunting for fun – but that night I realized that what he had been trying to do all this while was summon something – something powerful enough to overthrow Voldemort. He was trying to summon a demon, Harry – and it scared the fuck out of me. But I stayed where I was hiding, in the bushes. I was a coward.

When The Sword Falls - (A Drarry Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora