24. Nervous

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Gareth's POV
We came back and I sent Briar to the guest room. She seemed better than before. The first thing I did when we came back was giving her the medicine.

I made her lie down in bed and covered in the sheets. She looked at me and smiled. The thought of kissing her emerged in my head. Again.

I couldn't look away. Her smile looked so tempting. Her eyes were fixed on me and mine on her. She looked like an angel, so beautiful and elegant.

Her lips were so plum and red. I wanted to kiss them, suck on them. I wanted to make her mine. I wanted her to give each and every pleasure I'm capable of giving.

I wanted to feel her, touch her, pull her close to me and kiss every single spot on her body. But all these thoughts came to an end when Briar said

"What happened sir?"

I suddenly came back to reality and looked away. I turned away and met my reflection in the mirror. I felt so embarrassed. I felt like my own reflection was making fun of me.

I shame was drowning me in the ocean of respect. I just can't stop thinking about Briar like that and every time I do it, I blame myself and feel bad .

How can I think this way about my student? She's literally half my age! I should be ashamed of me.

"Are you okay sir?" I heard Briar saying.

But I didn't look at her. I didn't have the courage to do so. I just left the room after saying.

"I'm fine. Sleep well. No need to get up early. Your day is off tomorrow"


I was in the office. The day started as usual. As today's day was off for Briar, I didn't see her in the morning assembly. The teachers asked me and I told them that Briar was still sleeping. Maybe that medicine was intoxicated.

She needs a good sleep, so I didn't wake her up.

I was busy with some files when I heard a knock on the door. I without raising up my head, asked the person to come in. The door slowly opened and the person came inside.

I was reviewing some important files but I looked up, as making someone wait is not a good manner. And to my surprise, the person was someone whom I really lov-, no no sorry, like.

It was Briar.

She was still in her costume and my hoodie I gave her last night. Looking from her swollen eyes I could judge, she just woke up. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Good morning sir" she said in a sort of sleepy voice.

"Good morning" I said as I crossed my arms and sat back on the chair.

"Umm, sir, can I go back to the dorm? I want to freshen up" she said.

"Yeah sure. Why not? But you aren't allowed to stay in your dorm, for two or maybe three days" I said and she nodded quickly.

"Why?" she asked.

"Your teachers have decided to pamper you. So no school for, a few days" I said smiling.

She gave me a 'Really?' expression and I nodded. She chuckled .

"Thank you!" she said and smiled, making me smile, automatically.

She was about to go away when the thought of that incident re-emerged in my head. I suddenly got up from my chair and stopped Briar.

"Uh, Briar! Wait" I said.

Briar immediately turned around and was confused. I went closer to her and stood in front of her. I took a deep breath and Briar's expressions were slowly changing to a little stunned ones.

"If I ask something from you, would you do it for me?" I asked her in a soft voice.

Her eyes became wide, but she nodded after a second of thinking.

"I know, last night. That shouldn't have happened" I said in a low voice.

Recalling that incident, Briar again became upset. She became sad. Her face reflected how indelible that incident has become on her memory.

"I know it's infelicitous, but you have to move on" I said grabbing her attention.

She looked at me and I continued.

"Briar, I just want you to, umm. Actually, can you not tell any-" I couldn't complete the sentence as Briar completed it for me.

"Not tell anyone about last night. Don't worry sir, I won't tell anyone, not even my parents" she said and smiled.

I became shocked and asked "Wha-! How did you know?"

"Mrs. Jones told me. She said that if this goes out of school, it might spoil the school's reputation" she said and then sighed.

"I don't want my carelessness to spoil everything. I'm very sorry sir. I'll try to be more careful from now on" she said with her head down.

"What? No! What are you talking about?! It wasn't your fault. You don't have to say sorry. In reality, our management and even me, we're the main people at fault" I said growing a little upset.

"I should've been more careful" I said.

"No sir. Not at all. In fact I owe my life to you. If you haven't come on time, that man would've done something. Thank you so much sir. I'm so grateful, that you were there" she said with a smile.

A little smile came on my face as well. She always makes me happy.

She was about to leave once again when I again stopped her. You know sometimes when your brain completely stops functioning, and you say somethings that aren't supposed to be said, you fall into wierd situations.

Something similar happened.

"Do you want to go for a hangout later?" I asked.

"Huh! What?" she asked with her eyes wide.

"I mean, do you want to watch a movie? It's my treat" I said.

I know, I'm getting involved in something, I shouldn't. She's my student and I'm almost asking her out!

Though what I said was something sudden, and I thought that, of course, she'd decline but to my surprise she did the opposite.

"Yeah sure. But I'll choose a movie. Okay?" she said smiling.

I became shocked and I almost lost my breath. A weird tickling sensation started in my stomach. I felt adrenaline rush all through my veins. I suddenly got so excited.

"Y-yeah sure! See you at s-six" I said stuttering.

Congratulations Gareth! A teenager, who is also your student made you stutter!

"See you! Bye" she said.

"Yeah, b-bye. See y-you" I said waving at her like a fool. She left.

When she left I suddenly felt so hot. I took a deep breath. I felt so nervous around her. I shook away my head. If she keeps making me this nervous, I don't think I'd be able to stay normal around her.

Oh! What is she doing to me?

Ooh! Movie! That'll be fun. I really want to see them together more.

Give me some new song recommendations. My playlist needs some new songs.

I just want good music. So bring in your favorite songs, guys. I'll be waiting.

See you next week my loves!

Hope you're all safe and healthy.

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